10 Ways To Start Learning About Your Self

Learning about yourself is a journey. To learn about who you are means you are able to navigate through life easier. You can make choices that fit you not who others want you to become. Here are 1o ways to start learning about yourself.

1. Journal

If you have never tried journaling, it could be a life-changing experience for you in the long run. Journaling helps you with taking a deeper look at yourself. There is something magical that happens when your pen touches a piece of paper. You can let go and say what you want to say without any judgment.

If you are mad, write it. If you are sad, write it. If your happy, WRITE IT! When you write you come to conclusions about situations that occur in your life. Knowing what you want, don’t want, like, or dislike will help you navigate life’s experiences, but it will also help you with learning exactly the person you are.

2. Try that new thing

Limitations are what stops all of us from doing what we really want in life.  We limit our being and hinder that child-like sense that we all crave and need in our lives. Trying new activities will give life back into who you truly are. There will be times when you don’t like the activities you try but you would have never known that if you didn’t try it in the first place. The great thing about trying something new is that you are learning to express yourself. You are connecting to who you are the more you try. Enjoy the process. 

3. Meditation

Being busy is what we call a “good thing” or so we think. A lot of us have learned that being busy means you are in a way becoming successful in yourself. When in fact, it’s actually destroying us bit by bit because we are losing a sense of who we are. Meditation is a great practice to try out.

It doesn’t need to be in a way that is so traditional, such as sitting cross-legged on the floor, palms up, and eyes closed humming to the silence. You can use writing as a meditation, running, boxing, music, etc. When you feel “inflow” with any activity where you are not pushing yourself into thinking so hard about what is to come, you are in a meditation zone. The point is to be with yourself, breathe, and get off your electronics.

4. Remove expectations

When you remove the expectations of what you expect others to become you start to be open to learning about who they are. No one is perfect in every area of life, and the more you realize this, the more understanding you can be when people mess up. If you think about a time you messed up in life, you find yourself asking why. Why did I do what I did, or how could I have made the situation better. When you mess up, you gain an understanding of who you are and who you want to become. Life is what you make it, and everyone’s expectations are up to themselves. 

5. Core values

What do you stand for? Do you believe in honesty? Or what about treating everyone fairly? These are core values that you need to set for yourself. What makes you mad, or sad? Find the things that make you feel that a barrier must be included. You can even try to figure out what are the things that make you happy. Writing a list of every trait that matters and doesn’t matter to you, will help you with coming up with your core values.

The reason why having core values is so important to have in anyone’s life is because it helps us with everyday choices. For example; if you don’t drink because you want to be healthy in that sense, going to a party might not be the right scene for you. Your core values help make important life choices so you are able to keep yourself on track in the right direction that’s right for you.

6.  Dreams

If you haven’t figured out where you want to go in life, that’s okay. It’s a process, but it’s definitely not something you should put on the back burner. Take the time to sit with yourself. Write down your passions, likes, and dislikes. What did you love doing as a child? Was it dancing, singing, science?

Whatever it may be, will help you determine where you should go. It’s okay not to know exactly what you want to be doing in this lifetime, but it’s good to at least know the area of it and start learning as much as possible. Being passionate about a certain area gives us LIFE. Everything we do starts to become more fun because we are living to accomplish something we care about. 

See Also

7. Habits

Learning about what your habits are can be a good thing and a bad thing all at once. Think about your daily schedule. What do you do that is good for you, and what do you do that is maybe not so good or that you could work on. Analyzing this will help you in the long run. Life is all about habits. How you do something or what you do every day will determine your future. If you read every day for a year, think about all the knowledge you accumulate. The great thing about habits is that they teach you something every day. 

8. Self talk

When was the last time you listened to yourself talk? What few of us realize is that we have a constant flow of bad self-talk. The National Science Foundation states that 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of them are repetitive from the day before. We also on average have about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day! That’s a lot of thoughts. Make it a conscious effort to change the negativity into positive. By changing your thoughts you are able to change your way of life. You will start to believe in yourself, and in return, you will achieve a lot more than ever expected.

9. Timelines

Create a timeline to help with learning about yourself more. Start with mapping out everything that has happened in your life until the present. Once you have acknowledged what has happened in your life so far, start writing out how you want your future to look. If you want to write a book when will you want it to be done officially? If you want to become a manager, when do you want to become one? Know where you are going so you can work towards something greater than yourself. That’s how you figure yourself out. By trying and taking actions towards your goals.

10. Dream board

Dream boards are special because they help any visualization come into reality. A dream board is a board that contains all the photos of your future. You can think of anything you want and put it on this board, but the main importance of it is that you are pushing yourself to work for the dreams that sit within your heart. If you can dream of it then it can be done. Looking at this board everyday solidifies who you are because you are constantly reassuring yourself that is what you want. When you have clear goals, then they become achievable. 

Which technique are you most excited to try out to learn more about yourself? Comment down below to let us know!

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Sarah Wilhelm

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