10 Ways To Spoil Your Boyfriend

Sometimes, we girls expect our men to pamper us daily, but it’s equally as important to spoil your boyfriend as well. He works hard every day trying to be the breadwinner, so it wouldn’t hurt to take care of him every now and then. Are you looking for some simple ways to show your appreciation to your man? Here are ten ways to spoil your boyfriend!
1. Surprise him with his favorite meal.
Surely, you’ve heard of the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Surprising your bae with his favorite meal after a long and stressful day is a wonderful way to spoil your boyfriend. He’ll appreciate the fact that you care about him enough to make him something he enjoys. Plus, there’s nothing better than coming home to a delicious homecooked meal after a long day. Watch your boyfriend’s face light up when you spoil him by cooking his favorite meal and serving it to him!
2. Please him sexually before he asks.
Is your man always the one initiating sex? If you want to find another great way to spoil your boyfriend, you can try sexually pleasing him before he has to ask. Men enjoy being seduced, too, and when you initiate sex first, it’ll make him feel wanted. It’ll also catch him off guard, which will make it a lot more enjoyable for both of you. Bonus points if you send him sexy texts or photos throughout the day so he can be ready for you when he gets home!
3. Let him have a day to himself.
Your boyfriend might never tell you this, but sometimes guys just need to have a day to themselves. They work hard trying to take care of you and the kids (if you guys have any), and some uninterrupted quiet time can help him rejuvenate. If you have kids together, take them out for the day so he can have the house to himself. Or you could spend a day with your girls so that your man can have some alone time. If he’s feeling stressed out, spoil your boyfriend with a day to himself. He will appreciate it a lot.
4. Buy him something that he really likes.
If you’ve heard him talking about something that he likes a lot, you can spoil your boyfriend by getting it for him. He’ll appreciate that you listen to him and know what he’s interested in, and that will make him feel special. You know the joy you feel when your man buys you something that you’ve always wanted? He’ll feel the same way when you get him something that he’s always wanted!
5. Give him a massage after a long day.
Especially after a long day, your boyfriend will enjoy getting a good rubdown from you. Massages are an excellent way for you and your partner to form a deeper connection both physically and mentally. It’s also a sweet way to show selfless love and affection. It doesn’t even have to be a full body massage, either. You can rub his feet, his shoulders, his back, or whatever else is sore to make him feel good. Not to mention that he probably missed the physical contact all day, so massages after work are a great way to spoil your boyfriend.
6. Let him lay his head on your lap or chest.
If you want a way to spoil your boyfriend and make him feel protected, let him lay his head on your lap chest. Most guys find it comforting, and it’s a romantic way for the two of you to be affectionate with each other. Especially after a hard day, he might really need the comfort. You can choose to talk to each other or just sit quietly and enjoy each other’s company. Don’t forget to play with his hair while he rests his head on you. Girls know how soothing that can be, so you know your boyfriend will love it, too!
7. Do one of his favorite hobbies with him.
Doing something that he enjoys without complaining is a true sign that you love and care about your boyfriend. If you’ve always skipped out on going with your man to the shooting range, drag racing show, or sports game, surprise him by tagging along or planning the event. You may think it won’t be fun at first, but seeing how appreciative your boyfriend will be will make it 100% worth it. The ultimate way to spoil your boyfriend is by seeing him do the things he loves with the person he loves. It doesn’t get any better than that!
8. Surprise him with a vacation.
If your boyfriend works hard, try surprising him with a vacation, either for himself or for the two of you. It doesn’t have to be totally luxurious, either. You could spoil your boyfriend with something as simple as a weekend away at a local hotel. Hardworking men deserve a break and some downtime, so he will definitely appreciate a surprise vacation where he can relax and not think about any responsibilities.
9. Leave love notes all over the house.
It’s always fun finding unexpected notes from the person you love. When your boyfriend sees all the positive messages laying around the house, it will definitely make his day a lot better. You don’t have to write super long notes if that’s not your strongest suit. Something short and sweet like “I love you,” or “you mean the world to me,” or “you are a very handsome man” will do the trick. There’s no better way to spoil your boyfriend than by leaving little reminders about how amazing he is!
10. Tell him how much you love and appreciate him.
With work, children, other responsibilities, and life always moving so quickly, we often forget to tell our partners how much we love and appreciate them. Everybody enjoys being told that they are loved, and it’s the easiest way to cheer someone up after a hard day. If you’re looking for the simplest and most effective way to spoil your boyfriend, tell him how much he means to you. Nothing will brighten his mood more than hearing you express your appreciation for him.
These are just a few easy ways to spoil your boyfriend and make him feel special. Which of these suggestions would you want to try first? Comment below!
Hi, I'm Latasha! I was born and raised in sunny South Florida and graduated from Florida Atlantic University in 2018. I have my bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in writing and rhetoric. I'm also planning to go back to school to get my MFA in creative writing in the near future. I consider myself to be a storyteller, and I love writing and blogging about lifestyle-related topics. My ultimate goal is to become a published author.