The Top 10 Ways To Spend Your Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is a time that most families spend time together doing family orientated activities and so even go and show appreciation to fallen veterans. But there are certainly different ways that memorial day weekend can be spent.
Down below are the top 10 ways to spend your Memorial weekend:
1. Bike Riding
Why not take out of the bike that you have stored away in the closet and put the wheels to use. Bike riding is a cool, chill, relaxing vibe to go outside and enjoy the weather while riding in the wind.
Bike riding is the perfect family activity that you can do and enjoy each other’s company.
2. Explore Parks
Adventure exploring with the little ones if there are any in the family, and take them to some kid-friendly parks. If there are not any kid-friendly parks, you can always go to other parks that might have different things that you can explore more of.
3. Parade Watching
Most small towns and cities start the day with their annual Memorial Day parade to honor those who have died while serving in the U.S. armed forces.
Going to watch the parade is a validating to veterans who participate in the parade. It lets veterans know that they are appreciated for the risks and sacrifices that they mad during their time in the military.
4. Barbecue Hosting
This might be the first time you are lighting up the grill and that is an exciting time to be out grilling some amazing food. You want to build up and add some status in your cooking book, you can add some new skills.
Barbecuing foods on the grill is so much better than baking or frying the foods that you love to eat the most. So hosting a barbecue is a perfect way to show off your grilling skills.
5. Pack a Picnic
The weather is warming up and the grass is looking a bit greener than it was before so why not go and enjoy some meals sitting in the grass. Planning a picnic is the best way to spend memorial day weekend.
Plan a picnic, make sure you get some bomb delicious food and enjoy the scenery.
6. Sit By The Poolside
You know what is interesting, Memorial Day weekend typically is the introduction to swimming pool season. Everyone is in their cute American Flag swimwear and have the flip-flops on strutting their stuff.
At the pool, you can enjoy water games designated for playing inside the pool.
7. Mini Vacation
With Monday off, you have the whole weekend to plan a getaway trip with the fam bam. All you got to do, is gather up the family and take a road trip somewhere close, maybe the next own over or a nearby state.
8. Letter To Veterans
You want to get kids involved in supporting the veterans and thanking them for their service, organize a neighborhood community event. Have the kids writing thank you cards to veterans throughout the country and send them through nonprofit organizations.
9. Family and Friends Potluck
Potluck on Memorial Day weekend would be a little different because it would consist of bringing in a dish that reminds them of a family member or a friend who contributed to America’s freedom.
10. Learn About Veterans Stories
You ever wanted to learn more about the veterans and their families, you can go through StoryCorps oral history. You can also get a copy of a military-related memoir or other nonfiction books.