10 Ways to Rock a 90s Grunge Look

For a long time, the 90s have always been recognized as that era of both extremes, attitudes, and contradictions. The simple things were looked into more like hardcore music, drinking and smoking, and bulger language was not censored that much. But if there was one thing that reigned supreme during the 90s era, it was the grunge fashion look. If you are interested in this lifestyle, you should try these looks.
1. Ripped Jeans
An important aspect of the 90s grunge fashion era was the ripped jeans. One thing that we can agree about ripped jeans is that they will most likely never go out of fashion even in today’s generation. Ripped jeans can almost fit any style whether you are into heavy set rock or like that Hip Hop street life, these jeans will constantly look fashionable with whatever attire you prefer.
2. Leather Jackets
Being an era where the attitude was valued, leather jackets made the ideal fit for the 90’s grunge era. Made from vintage leather, the leather jacket is recognized as a symbol of male masculinity giving off a street look. Whether you are rocking this Rockstar street look or wanting to be a biker, leather jackets are the way to go.
3. Combat Boots
Shoes back in the 90s sure did know how to most footwear today, combat boots eventually became iconic sneakers in this era next to skater and classic retro Jordan basketball shoes. Combat boots are necessary for wanting to rock that classic grunge look. These boots are all-weather made for any type of condition, not to mention there are a ton of other boot styles made by top fashion brands. So if you are looking into finding a unique style, combat boots know how to make you stand out from a regular crowd.
4. Bandanas
Wearing bandanas in a tri-fold style was probably one of the biggest fashion trends in the early 2000s but turns out, its roots were traced back to the early 90s where the artist made the look like Aaliyah for example. But like all fashion trends from the 90s, they started making a comeback on social media where this look has influenced teen culture. The idea of the tri-fold bandana is a cliché form of a modern-day housewife in the 90s, but this look has now been revamped as a form of self-expression for women who love that 90s grunge life.
5. Cargo Pants
Cargo pants made their movement during the 90s, having so many pockets to carry around simple things from your wallet, Gameboy advance, and phone, these pants were both fashionable and convenient for daily purposes. Even though 90s cargo pants were designed to be worn big and baggy, today’s form of cargo pants is shown to be a lot slimmer, tapered, and more cuffed at the ankles. Cargo pants helped add edge, personality, and style when worn by both men and women who had a unique sense of style being their trendsetter
6. Overalls
Growing up in the 90s, we all had that one outfit that pretty much gave a direct idea of what 90s fashion was one of those outfits was overalls. Even this outfit was specifically designed for farmworkers, the 90s made them one of the biggest fashion trends for both young kids and older adults. If they are long, short, or plain, wearing overalls can be done anyway. However, the one way to stand out looking cool with overalls is to let one strap up and one down. This adds in a bit of a new school touch to a classic fashion trend.
7. Chokers
If wanting to be recognized as that crazy tough chick in high school was an actual thing, chokers would be it. While most young kids are wearing the traditional gold drop chain necklaces, most 90’s trendsetters are all about the black leather chokers paired with a pair of black legging, combat boots, and a dark dress, it makes the perfect 90s grunge gothic look. The spike chokers, in particular, are a bit more unique because it relates towards that gothic look that young kids like soo much on social media.
8. Graphic Tees
One good thing about the 90s is that you could say it was such a simple time not having to be stressed dressing for trendsetters. Graphic t-shirts are one of the most basic and simple clothing designs that represented the grunge 90s era. Graphic shirts like Family Guy t-shirts and old-school heavy metal bands such as Slipknot are pretty much the way to go when representing this era of attitude.
9. Dark Flannels
When it comes to wearing dark flannel shirts, this was the prominent staple of the 90s grunge lifestyle. Other than the fact that flannels come in different colors means that they can pretty much go with any outfit, Flannels are all-weather shirts so that means you can wear them all year round where in the wintertime these shirts are made great for layering to stay warm while in the summer, it looks great for wearing around the waist.
10. Board Shorts
Most board shorts were worn by most surfers, but that did not stop young people from bringing this look from the sandy beaches to the streets in the 90s. The guy’s version is shown to be very long while women’s are a bit shorter. This style of summer shorts remains popular today so when spring and summertime roll around, this outfit makes the best piece to add a little grunge touch to it.
I hope this article has given you a helpful understanding of how to represent the 90 grunge fashion era. Even though the 90s fashion era has been over for more than 20 years, there are many fashion trends from this era that remain popular to this day. The best way to change up your style is just being basic, that’s what the 90s fashion era was about and look how much a success it has been in the fashion industry.
"The imagination is precious. Don't lose it. Don't lose the child in you" Marilyn Manson