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12 Ways To Practice Self Care

12 Ways To Practice Self Care

The art and act of self-care is one thing that we as an entire society lack and desperately need to work on as a whole. Self-care is so under-rated, though it is one of the most important acts one could follow. Losing touch with ourselves is devastating, whether it be emotionally, mentally or physically, when we notice a negative change in our selves, it’s hard to swallow. It’s ok though, because everything can and will get better, we just have to remember to take a little extra care of ourselves now and then to notice a great change.

1. Have a Declutter Session

Be real right now, each and every one of us has a little bit of clutter in our lives, it’s impossible not to with how the world is these days. The clutter might be a ginormous pile of mess in your bedroom, maybe a full and overflowing email box, or a desk that’s so full you can’t see it anymore. Whatever the clutter is in your life, big or small, take some time to diminish it over time or at once. Just remember, the clearer the space around you, the clearer your mind is.


2. Read a Book You Actually Want to Read

If you are someone like me who loves to read a good book but more often than not says, “I don’t have time to read,” then we need to change together. Taking the time to get lost in a story that you love is so good for your mind and soul. That little escape to an alternate reality with each flip of a page allows our minds to drift away from the chaos we live daily and sometimes that little getaway Is much needed.


3. Take a Long, Hot Bath

Bubble baths are so damn under-rated and it makes me sad. Taking a bath is so therapeutic and relaxing that I cannot wrap my head around why more people don’t do it more often. Raising the temperature of your body produces more blood flow and regulates your heart beat, which essentially results in a more relaxed body and mind. Drop some essential oils, Epsom salts or bubbles for a little extra relaxation.

4. Go for a Walk and Appreciate the Fresh Air

Don’t ever underestimate the value of fresh air and the things it can do for our minds and bodies. Taking a long, deep breath of fresh air is actually said to relieve stress and anxiety levels. Now, imagine if you stepped outside to take 5 deep breathes of fresh air daily, I almost bet your head would level and your heart would be happier.


5. Wake Up Early and Enjoy Your Morning

Did you know that over sleeping is a real thing and can make you feel lazier, more sluggish and so unmotivated? When you chose to wake up early, your body actually has more energy than when you spend your morning sleeping in. Not to mention, when you do wakeup early, you give yourself more time to get organized for the day, and actually enjoy yourself, rather than rushing around after sleeping later.


6. Stretch and Stretch Often

Stretching is a very important part of our bodies ability to function properly and the way we want it too. Not only does stretching increase flexibility, range of motion, blood blow and better posture but it also works as an incredible stress relief and mind relaxer. So the next time your body is feeling a little stiff, give yourself a good stretch, your body will thank you.


7. Do a Workout That You Actually Enjoy

Finding a workout that you and your body enjoy is just as important as the workout itself. If you subject yourself to a military style boot camp when you hate people yelling, then your benefiting no one. Same goes if you sit through a yoga class but can’t stand the atmosphere. Some workouts just work better for certain people, plain and simple. Try a workout that interests you and don’t be shy to mix it up and try new things, you never know what you love until you try it.

8. Have a Staycation

Planning a staycation with your best gal pals, your spouse or even yourself is a great idea when you just need a teeny tiny little break from your life. Book yourself an Airbnb or hotel in your city, perhaps in an area you’ve never been and spend the day doing things you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time. Be a tourist in your own city and enjoy it.


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9. Try Something New

Doing the same thing over and over and over again gets monotonous and at times puts us in a little bit of a rut. There is no better way to practice self-care then allowing ourselves to get out of our comfort zones and try something brand spankin’ new. Maybe it’s a paint night, a boxing class or buying a dress you’d typically never wear but love. Its ok to step out of routine every now and then, you never know who you really are until you let yourself explore a little.

10. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

STOP. Please for the love of all things, stop comparing yourself to anyone. You are beautiful in your own way, you are strong, intelligent and imperfectly perfect in your very own way. The next time you see a girl on Instagram, don’t compare yourself to her, she’s probably not ‘real’ and the next time you see a girl on the streets, don’t compare yourself. Not one person on this planet is the same as the other and that’s what separates your beauty from anyone else’s.


11. Have Flowers in Your Home

Did you know that surrounding yourself with plants and flowers can calm a person’s mind and relieve stress? The oxygen that is produced from plants can actually affect the level of serotonin released in the body, resulting is feelings of happiness and relaxation. Plus, flowers are beautiful so having them around the house isn’t really the biggest eyesore.


12. Call Someone You Love

Sometimes, in the busy world that we live in, we forget to contact the people who mean the world to us. We think about them but we’re so caught up in a world full of chaos that we forget to actually pick up the phone or send a text. Next time you think about someone you love, call then, it’ll put a smile on both of your faces.

Let us know what you think about these 12 tips to practicing self-care!

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