Categories: Travel

10 Ways To Pass The Time On Long Haul Flights

Long haul flights can be boring and equally exhausting. Whether you are a frequent flyer or not, you might find that you have nothing to do to pass the time. Look no further as here are 10 ways you can pass the time on long haul flights!

1. Watch films

If you are on a long haul flight, take advantage of the in-flight entertainment. Most airlines have the latest releases when it comes to music albums and films. 

If you have a movie marathon, you’ll pass the time quickly and before you know it, you’ve landed at your destination.

2. Read books/magazines

A common way to pass the time on a long haul flights: reading material. Bring a book or magazine with you to read on the plane. There are usually airline magazines in your seat pocket to look through when you’re feeling a bit bored.

Airline magazines usually advertise other destinations and holidays which might prompt you to plan your next holiday!

3. Play games

Planes these days are hardly ever without in-flight entertainment systems. If you’ve already finished a movie marathon, why not try out the games?

There are always the classics like Tetris and Connect4 which are simple but so addictive!

4. Sleep

This is probably really obvious but you can pass the time by sleeping. The hassle of getting through airport security and waiting around for your flight can take a lot out of you so re-energise your body by taking a nap or by sleeping.

Your body will thank you for it and you’ll wake up at your destination well-rested and ready to explore or head to that meeting if it’s a business trip.

5. Take pictures of the world below

If you’re on a long haul flight, you’re bound to fly over so many countries that you have probably never visited or had the chance to visit. 

Why not take pictures of the world below while you have the chance? It’s always a beautiful sight to see the world from a bird’s eye view with cities lit up or the greenery of the mountains.

6. Listen to music

Whether it’s your own song playlist on your phone or an album on the in-flight entertainment system, you can pass the time on a long haul flight by listening to your favourite songs.

There may be new releases that you haven’t checked out yet or radio playlists that you never knew existed.

7. Make new friends

While most people hate the thought of being next to strangers whether it’s the bus, train or on a plane, why not make the most of it by engaging in conversation with your next-door neighbour?

See Also

If you’re on holiday, why not talk about the country you’ll be visiting and exchange tips and advice for a place to explore and discover? It’ll make the journey less awkward and you might make new friends!

8. Walk around the plane

Long haul flights can really take a toll on your body especially if you are sat in a chair for a long time. Make sure to get out of your seat every once in a while whether it’s for a toilet break or a stretch.

You’ll be able to get the blood flowing around your body and get all your muscles stretched out.

9. Read the news

A lot can happen while you’re on a long haul flight and news travels fast. Read the news and keep updated with what’s happening in the world.

If you didn’t manage to get a newspaper before you got onto the plane, the news is regularly updated on the in-flight entertainment system.

10. Plan your trip

If you’re going on holiday, pass the time by planning what to do and where to explore when you land. You’ll be able to make the most of your trip by planning ahead and you’ll be sure to have a great time knowing you have checked off all the places and things you wanted to do.

Which of these ways to pass the time will you be trying on on your next long haul flight? Tell us in the comments below!

Featured image source:
Amy Wong

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