10 Ways To Manage Anger And Stay Calm

Most, if not all of us, have had our fair share of moments where we don’t know how to manage our anger and stay calm. We let our anger get the best of us. We lash out at people we don’t mean to and/or break shit while we are in our anger, later regretting we did. I know I for one, have a terribly bad habit of letting my anger control me more times than I control it. There are some ways to manage anger though.
When it comes to trying to manage my anger and stay calm, I have found 10 helpful ways that might also help you.
I am a devoted believer of God and Jesus so praying every day is an automatic for me. When I feel like my anger is about to explode out, I say a prayer asking God to help me control it and act rationally about whatever the situation is.
Meditation is another great way to help manage anger and stay calm. Listening to soothing podcasts of calming ocean sounds or hearing a life coach say a mantra for you to repeat, can be very beneficial in helping you stay cool.
The best way to put all your anger to good use is by letting it out by exercising. I can most certainly vouch for the fact some of my best workouts have stemmed from me releasing my pent-up anger at the gym.
Listening to your favorite artist or group can also help keep your anger under control. My brother always uses music as a way to calm him down before he blows his lid and most of the time, it works for him.
Take a Ride
Getting in your car and just driving with no destination in mind, can be a great remedy to keep you from releasing your anger. Simply driving for half an hour can truly help clear your head and give you peace.
Take a Walk
If you don’t have a car, go take a walk around your neighborhood or at your local park to help you stay cool before you explode on someone. Walking has a way of always clearing your head just like going for a ride in the car does.
Talk to Someone
Having a friend or family member that always knows what to say to help you manage your anger and stay calm, cool and collected, is great. Reach out to whoever that person is for you first before you say or do something you may later regret. There are plenty of great ways to manage anger.
Watch TV/Movie
Being distracted by something funny or even sad on TV, can help take your mind off whatever is about to make you pop! Watch your favorite TV show or movie to help your mind simmer down and remain at peace.
Cooking is actually one of my favorite ways to help keep my anger from unleashing itself. It may sound weird, but there is something about sautéing chicken and peppers, that makes me feel incredibly calm.
Reciting mantras that you either created or found online, can be wonderful in helping you not blow your top! Having some sort of saying that helps your anger stay in check, can be the key to helping you not give into your anger.
What are your go to ways to manage anger? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Kennisha is currently studying at Southern New Hampshire University to obtain her bachelors in Creative Writing. She is an avid lover of art and poetry. Her favorite word is "create" because she feels the word "represents the endless possibilities and marvelous creations the mind can conjure".