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Top 10 Ways To Make Your Summer Unforgettable

Top 10 Ways To Make Your Summer Unforgettable

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Summer coming up and not sure what to do? Here are our top 10 ways you can make your summer unforgettable without stressing over plans last minute.

1) Research!

Now one of the easiest ways to start on your journey to an unforgettable summer is by doing some “window shopping”. Get a feel for what you want this summer to be all about and brainstorm ideas! Whether you’re dreaming of going to festivals, concerts, or traveling to your dream vacation spot, you need to know what you want and what you can achieve!

2) Plan

Once you have a general idea of how you want your summer to look, you need to start laying down some groundwork. First off, do you have any plans or events that normally occur in summer? These can be family gatherings, business trips, or any previous commitments. As soon as you have these dates, mark them on your calendar in order to avoid double-booking yourself later. After that, it just becomes a search for what fun events and trips fit into your schedule!


3) Chat With Friends And Family

I cannot stress this one enough for making summer plans! Countless times I have made plans weeks in advance with family or friends, only to have them bail last minute. Keep in mind that not everyone may be as prepared as you, so constantly communicate with friends and family to make sure they are cued in on your summer festivities.

4) Cash Flow

Other than traveling and committing to fun summer activities, having the finances to do so can be extremely challenging. Having an idea of what you want to do ahead of time lets you look up event details, prices, or check hotel rates. Gathering information early will allow you to really see what you’re getting yourself into financially this summer. So, figure out your plans, who you’re going with, and make sure everyone has money to make it happen. Plus, if you decide all this early enough, people can push to get more commissions, go for a company bonus, or maybe even just take on a second job for more cash.

5) Transportation

Depending on what stage of life you’re in or what exactly you’re doing for the summer, transportation can sometimes be a hassle. Maybe you have to carpool, or you have that family member who refuses to travel a certain way. Either way, sometimes getting to summer events and activities can take some planning, so you need to make sure whatever transport you’re using is reliable. Be sure to get your car checked out at the shop before going on any major road trips and be sure that if you’re carpooling, everyone brings gas money to contribute!


6) Make Room For Extensions

The cool thing about summer is the fact it’s so long; however, much of that time gets taken up by plans and work. Something I would suggest doing is planning on extended stays when you are traveling or going on vacation. Always be sure you have enough cash and supplies to stay longer than expected. Sometimes things happen and leaving a few days later might really benefit you! Or sometimes you might be having so much fun that you want to stay a bit longer. Either way, its always a safe idea to plan for a few more days than what you’re expecting.

7) Set Aside Time For Pop-Ups

Alongside planning for entended stays on your summer adventures, I would also strongly encourage leaving a few days open in your schedule for the occasional pop-up event. Maybe your friends get the opportunity to have a bonfire or there’s a big block party going on and you want to spend some time with everyone. These things happen, and sometimes these little moments are ones that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Always leave a little time in summer to hop along on some last-minute plans.

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8) Never Plan Strictly Around Other People

Never plan a trip or vacation that you would only have fun on if there were other people. I have planned entire trips with groups of friends before only to have myself and one or two others actually end up going, which ended up being really crippling to the mood of the trip. Sometimes you need those certain people in your friend group to really make a trip what it is. So always make sure you have some things planned for yourself even if you are tagging along on someone else’s trip just in case people have different ideas on what to do or where to go.

9) Don’t Overextend Yourself

This whole time we’ve discussed ways to ease stress and make your summer as unforgettable as possible. Often a key part of making something unforgettable is having calm spaces in between the action to really make moments comparably awesome. If you go all over the place and constantly never stop to take a break in summer, you’ll burn yourself out physically, emotionally, and financially. Summer can be a time of rest as well as unforgettable moments, make sure to have a balance and keep yourself in the good.

10) Commit The Same Attitude

As soon as summer starts to come to an end, get ready for the next one! Some may think that’s crazy, but if you want unforgettable memories, it’s best to always have an idea of what’s coming up down the line that you want to be a part of. That way, amongst all the hustle and bustle of work in the fall and winter, you can have that little slice of something to look forward to!


Summer is a time to make memories, have some fun, and relax! Don’t let all the little details get in the way of making those unforgettable Summer memories. Have any tips to add? Or must-do summer activities? Let us know in the comments below!

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