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10 Ways To Make Your Room Feel Cozy In The Winter

10 Ways To Make Your Room Feel Cozy In The Winter

Your room is your sanctuary, your safe space, and everything in between. Sometimes, though, you need to change it up here and there to make it feel different, especially in the winter. Winter has the opportunity to be extremely festive for some which is why it’s easy to make it feel cozy and make you want to spend even more time in there.

1. Candles

Everyone should have at least one candle in their room or one of those wall-flowers from Bath and Body Works. Lighting a candle and sitting in your bed is without a doubt one of the best feelings in the world. When it comes to winter, the evergreen candles are top-notch. The slightly too sweet pine tree scent just hits different, or maybe you want one that smells like peppermint or hot chocolate. If you’re not into the ones strictly dedicated towards winter, ones that smell like men’s cologne are also always a great choice. Those should be in your room year-round though. They can make any time of the year feel cozy.


2. A New Blanket

Who doesn’t love going to Target or HomeGoods and getting a new fuzzy blanket to cuddle with? Getting a new cozy blanket is so fun! You can get one that is festive or stick with a neutral color you can keep on your bed year-round, or donate it to the living room so you can get a new blanket for your room. Whatever you decide, getting a new blanket adds a new level of cozy to your bed that doesn’t make you want to leave, especially if it’s cold.

3. Clean Sheets

This just makes you feel good about yourself. I have yet to meet someone who genuinely enjoys making their bed. If there is someone out there please show me the fun in it because in the end there’s nothing else I would rather do than just lay in my freshly made bed! Warm clean sheets hit different. Especially when you add in that new blanket!


4. String Lights

String lights add that cozy flare that everyone needs in their room. Especially during winter time when everywhere you look houses are decorated in multicolored lights. Bringing that into your room can make you feel that much more festive. Whether you go with colored lights or stick with a nice dim white light, turning these on and lighting a candle can turn your room into something else. For me, it makes me never want to leave and watch movies until my responsibilities make me leave the cozy nest I made for myself.


5. Seasonal Decorative Pillows

All beds need pillows that you sleep on at night and ones that you decorate with so you can look at how cute you’ve put your room together. I do not make the rules here, I just enforce them. So, a way to amp up that cozy level is having pillows that meet the needs of all seasons. For winter, finding ones that are red, green, blue, plaid, white, etc. create a vibe that makes you feel like you’re stepping into something new even if it is the same room you’ve lived in your whole life or one you’ve lived in for only a few months. Taking a space and making it entirely yours can make anyone feel special and cozy!

6. Flowers

I don’t know about you, but I can’t keep flowers alive to save my life. It seems so easy but I can’t do it. I don’t know, it’s definitely a me problem! However, adding flowers to your room can make it feel fresh and clean. Especially if it’s one of those big bouquets from a farmers market for $5. Those are something else. If you’re like me though, fake flowers will do the trick just as well!


7. Flannel Sheets

Flannel sheets are elite in the winter. They take cozy to the next level. Especially if you live somewhere cold, climbing into bed after a long day and laying on flannel sheets can make you feel like a million bucks. They will make you never want to leave your bed, but if you’re like me, you won’t need flannel sheets to make you want to stay in bed all day. You already want that even if you’re walking to go get a peppermint mocha.

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8. Festive Sign

HomeGoods, Tj Maxx, Target, or whatever home decor store you prefer all have those wooden signs with corny sayings on them. I’m not saying I don’t fall victim to those signs myself, but some of them, yeesh! Adding these to your room can make it feel more festive. Whether it’s one saying “let’s stay in bed” or “jingle those bells,” which happens to be in my mother’s kitchen, they will do the trick to add something to your room to make you feel more festive.


9. Heated Blanket

If flannel sheets aren’t your thing, the next best is a heated blanket. The best time to use a heated blanket is in the winter. Turn it on while you get ready for bed, so when you get in bed you can turn it off and your bed is already warm for you. The best part about a heated blanket is that you can turn it on and off which allows your bed to cool back down. It’s nice to be able to wake up in the morning and stay cozy in bed a little bit longer while your heated blanket warms back up.

10. Garland

Garland can be draped around your bed frame, your door, or wherever you deem fit. It adds enough wintertime feel without feeling like tiny elves just ran in your room and threw up. It’s pretty and subtle and can match the blanket and pillows you’ve bought, bringing your room together to achieve a winter look.


How are you making your room feel cozy this winter? Let us know what you’ve bought or done in the comments!