10 Ways To Make Friends In College ASAP

I understand how difficult it may seem to make friends in college but I promise you it’s not that difficult. The students there are all trying to do the same things you’re trying to do, which are to make friends and succeed. And one thing to note is that once you make friends you shouldn’t always rely on them because everyone is there for themselves. So, if you want to party but they have to study, then you should be a supportive friend and respect their wishes. And if they are the type of friends to distract you from your studies then they aren’t real friends.
1. Remember Who You Are
When you want to make friends you have to know who you are and what you stand for before letting other people into your life. Remember, college is going to be the time to make lifelong friends, friends who will either agree with the things you stand for or disagree with but respect. With that said, make sure you vow to yourself that no matter who you meet, you will stay true to yourself and to them. No one likes anyone that’s fake.
2. Start With Your Dorm
Some people you are going to be really close to are the people you sleep with. No, not like that. I meant the other students in your dorm, so why not take advantage of it and befriend those in your dorm, especially your roommate. Most likely when you and your roommate hit it off, they will introduce you to some of their friends. But if that’s not the case, a lot of housing departments host events meant for students to get to know those in their dorm buildings and other dorm buildings. So, take advantage of housing to make friends.
3. Hangout Places
A lot of college students have places where they hang out, like an arcade area, gym, or the library. The point is to know all of the entertaining places that the college has to offer because, chances are, those are the hangout spots and the best places to make friends.
4. Clubs & Organizations
Don’t be afraid to get involved by joining clubs and organizations, those provide the best opportunities for college students to make friends, just make sure you take advantage of it. Join a club that adheres to your beliefs and ideals. Now, some clubs aren’t up and active a lot of the time, meaning that a lot of them don’t have a lot of members, which determines how active a club is. If that’s the case, you can always join a sorority/fraternity. Those not only allow you to make friends but offer connections for when you are looking for internships.
5. On-Campus Events
There are a lot of events on campus, you just need to look around. They provide ways for you to make friends. Just look around or ask around. Some colleges have a student activities office and you can ask them about the activities on campus. A lot of colleges host homecoming events, which are the BEST. Use those events to make friends.
6. Classroom
Just because you’re in a classroom doesn’t mean you can’t make friends. A lot of the time, students make group chats so the entire class can talk about homework assignments, projects, answers to homework, etc. You can talk to the classmate that sits next to you and introduce yourself, which is the old fashion way but it still works. Remember, a lot of them are there for the same reasons: to succeed and to make friends. They are probably waiting for you to make the first move.
7. Off-Campus Events
A lot of events are happening off-campus. Usually, when there’s a college, there’s a party going on. All you need to do is ask around because a lot of people know. Or you can look on the ground and notice the flyers for a party that’s happening. There’s always, always, always something going on off-campus. You can use your class group chat to ask, usually, a lot of people use those group chats to promote an event that’s happening on and off-campus, but these events are the best ways to make friends.
A side note. A lot of homecoming events are also off-campus, which are the best as well. From concerts to tailgates to the football game.
8. Be Interesting
It would suck to have a Debby downer as a friend. So, when you approach someone, make sure you aren’t boring. Be enthusiastic (but not too much, you don’t want to annoy or scare them) and friendly. Some people make the mistake of opening up their greeting with a joke and I advise not to do that. You need to be yourself but interesting. Walk up to that person that’s sitting by themselves and ask if you can join them (unless their busy studying or talking on the phone then don’t because that would be rude). But the points to put yourself out there, which can be scary. In fact, making friends is scary but once you say “hi” and introduce yourself, the rest will go from there. It won’t hurt until you try.
9. Make Plans With Those You Meet
Now that you have met people, make sure you get their contact information to keep in contact with you. Once you meet them that day, it would suck to just walk off without asking for a way to keep in contact with them. Once you get their phone numbers, ask if they are free to have fun over the weekend. Before you ask them, make sure you research the events that may be going on and then ask them but make sure the event is interesting.
10. Study Sessions
Study sessions are the perfect way to make friends. Use your group chat for your class to schedule a study session. They are fun and extremely helpful for that test coming up. During the study session, not only will you guys study you guys will get to know each other and talk about things, maybe plan on going to a certain party together.
Good luck in school and I hope these tips have helped you! Let me know in the comments about your first time in college.
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/667799450986802517/
Hello! For starters, thank you for taking the time to figure out who I am. My name is Taylor Berry, a journalism major at Florida A&M University and I am from Fort Lauderdale, FL. God is the reason I am here right now writing for this amazing online magazine and I can't wait to see where it takes me. I am happily engaged and I love that the love of my life is so supportive of my career choices and he is the reason I am working hard at making my goals a reality. This writing opportunity at Society19 is the start and I am grateful for the people who gave me this opportunity. I know I won't let them down and I won't let the readers down. So, I encourage those of you out there who are bored or looking for the latest styles, advice, and gossip, explore Society19! And don't forget to like, comment and share!!!