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10 Ways To Help Your Community This Spring Break

10 Ways To Help Your Community This Spring Break

Are you looking for something to do during spring break? Volunteering is a great way to get involved with your community and help make others happy and their lives a little bit better! Here are some ways you can help your community this spring break!

1. Pick Up Trash

Although this does not seem glamorous in any way, it is one of the best ways to help make your community shine! It is one of the best things you can do because there is not a lot of people who do this often. If you take one day out of your spring break to do this, your town will look great and everyone will thank you for doing what you are doing! Picking up trash is not the funniest thing to do during the weekend but it will help the environment make your town look great after you do it!


2. Volunteer At Food Shelf

Volunteering at the food shelf is a great way to help those who can’t afford the food they need! This can be giving them food to provide for those who need it or actually volunteering and helping give people the food or taking in the food as they come.

Many people may think about volunteering at a food shelf over spring break, but this is a great way to get the know people and create some great connection for further volunteering or just hearing others stories about what they are going through. This opportunity can be very eye opening if you haven’t done this before!

3. Volunteer At Town Events

If your town needs help decorating for an event, help them out! It’s great to get out and appreciate your town and what they do to help get everyone together. These events can be very fun to help decorate and be a part of. You will also get the chance to meet new people and network your skills for future jobs or volunteer work you would like to do! Depending on the town, you may be needed longer than other events but most of the time; it is a great way to be a part of the community you grew up in!


4. Volunteer At Animal Shelters

Everyone should volunteer at animal shelters! This is a great way to play with animals you love and help the staff take care of them. Volunteering around animals is not all cuddles though, most of the time it is doing the nitty-gritty stuff that you would want to do with your animals like clean poop, change their stuff in their cages.

It is not going to be pretty, but there are a lot to be done. Volunteering at Animal shelters will help make sure the animals are treated right and are given a chance to live! You’ll have a big impact on the animals you are taking care of!


5. Help At Soup Kitchens

Volunteering at soup kitchens is such a great thing to do! You’ll be helping prep food for those affected and create bonds that will last a long time. You’ll hear hard stories of people who have less than you do. It may seem like you can’t do much for these people, but you can help create an environment where they are safe and can come and get food which they wouldn’t otherwise had gotten.

You’ll be able to put smiles on everyone’s faces because you are helping them when others would not! Spend your spring break doing something that will change individuals lives! When you help at these shelters, you are giving them hope that others care and will do the same!



Volunteering at a YMCA is a great way to teach youth about fundamentals and create bonds that will help them flourish as they get older. You’ll have the opportunity to teach kids sports and show them the love that you had for a sport during your youth years! As a volunteer, you’ll motivate others to be the best they can be while helping them make great choices.

During your spring break, you’ll learn about the community and how they need your help and how to get involved! Everyone at the YMCA is geared to help other succeed in any way possible! The greatest thing you could do is create a bond with a child during your spring break and leave as friends!

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7. Libraries

Helping out at libraries will give you a chance to get back into reading those books you always wanted to read but never hand the chance! You’ll read to kids and help them pick out great books they should read and share the same love for books as you.

The library is great for those who love kids and want to help get them excited to read! This is make your spring break exciting and fun! You’ll be helping put books away and learn the importance of a good book! All you need is a good book!


8. Retirement Home

Volunteering at a retirement home is full of listening to the residence’s stories and asking questions and their life! The residence will love having someone ask about their day and spark up a conversation that wasn’t will someone they have seen in the same room for a long time. You will be a fresh face that you’ll love to see while you are home for spring break! You’ll be playing games and having fun with residence that want visitors or someone to talk to! 

9. Tutoring

Tutoring may not be the first on your volunteering list, but it helps kids who are struggling to get back on track. You’ll be teaching a subject of your choice and help kids become the best they can be at it! Tutoring is great for those who know how to and are good at it. You shouldn’t tutor someone in a subject that you don’t know very well because that wouldn’t help them at much, but tutor if you can! Be a support system if you can’t!

10. Hospital 

Do you know someone who works at the hospital? Are you looking to help nurses and patients with carrying the load of the patients? Volunteering at a hospital is great for those looking to study to become a doctor or nurse! You’ll help the patients get food if they need it and play with them if they are able! It is a great way to get connections while learning about the hospital environment!


Do you volunteer during spring break? Tell us in the comment below!