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12 Ways to Glow Up During Quarantine

12 Ways to Glow Up During Quarantine

If you haven’t gotten the chance to work on the glow up you have always dreamed of, now is your time to take action. Rather than sitting bored in your house doing nothing during this strange COVID-19 ridden time, use your free time to implement these 12 steps to a totally new glowed up version of you. Although self-care is important and is finally becoming more recognized as a necessity, many people push off their need for self-care due to time restrictions. Since not many put self-care high on their list of priorities, the act typically falls out of most’s schedules and taking a longer bath or doing a homemade facial seemingly never gets done. Now is your time to fit self-care into your schedule, and glow up in the process!

1. Skin Care Routine

Finding a skincare routine that is perfect for you specifically can be difficult due to the immense variety of products available, along with the uniqueness of every person’s skin. Being in quarantine gives you enough time to experiment with new products, while not seeing anyone if the new trial routine goes awry and causes breakouts or blemishes. This increase in free time will also allow you to research products more carefully. By watching Youtube videos of people with clear skin and similar skin types, you may be able to find products you haven’t heard of that will effectively work for you. For those who already love their current skincare routine, there is always a possibility that you are missing out on a new product that could benefit your skin. By taking some time to look into new products or spicing up your skincare routine by adding a step, you might find yourself benefiting from the time spent working on further developing your current routine.  


2. Nails

Sadly many nail salons have had to shut down due to the spread of COVID-19 globally, however, this shouldn’t discourage you from fixing up your nails and painting them yourself. Doing your nails is an easy way to show some self-care and add a little something special to your everyday look. Try using a brighter color so every time you look down at your nails, you get a positive vibe. If you enjoy doing nails normally, now may be the time to spice it up and learn how to do some cutesy designs to add to your typical nail color of choice. 

3. Exfoliate 

Exfoliating is one of those things that everyone loves and never gets around to. Whether you are in the shower or trying to pick up the weekly routine of exfoliating your face, spend some extra time scrubbing the dead skin and germs off of your skin to make your legs and face soft and smooth. 


4. Take a Self Relaxation Night

Candles, music, and a glass of rose sound like a perfect night in quarantine to me. Although you might be totally bored in your house due to the social distancing regulations in place, having a relaxing night to yourself can be beneficial to self-care, and may calm your nerves surrounding coronavirus and the separation from those you love. Whatever self-relaxation means to you, the process may look different for others. If you would rather watch the Harry Potter movie series rather than drawing a bath and reading Cosmopolitan, do your thing, but be sure to put in some extra effort to make the night more special. Light some candles around the tub or in your room, put on your favorite playlist, or get into your favorite comfy sweatshirt – whatever it may be, relax and enjoy with ease. 

5. Journal

A therapeutic way to self-care that will add to your mood glow up during quarantine is journaling. This is a simple way to pass the time, and document the crazy events going on in the world on paper. By journaling, you can reminisce on times spent with loved ones pre-social distancing or start simple with an entry regarding how you feel having to stay confined within your own home until you grow to eventually jot down your overarching emotions. Journaling is a positive way to let out your feelings that remains personal to you. The world feels very out of our control right now, and you can make your journal a consistent aspect of your life that you have control over. Show it to whoever you want and write whatever you wish. 


6. Self Tan

Self-tanning is an essential part of any glow up but is especially vital during this time because the process of it is so time-consuming. If you are a self-tanning beginner, this is your opportunity to learn how and practice your skills. The tan might come out splotchy and in patches, the first time you try, but don’t fear because no one will be able to see your mistakes, because we are in quarantine.

7. Spring Clean Your Closet

Spring cleaning your closet will both improve your mood and give your room a little glow up itself. By taking the time to go through your old clothes, shoes, and bags, you will free up space in your closet for new items to flow in this season and may have the opportunity to donate old stuff to people that would benefit from it. 


8. Online Shop

Now that you have spring cleaned your closet, you have space to fill your online shopping cart and order some new stuff. Since no one can go to malls, local stores, or any retail shop in public, our economy is hurting. By purchasing from small businesses online, you can find cute unique boutique clothing pieces, while still benefiting stores who are losing lots during this national pandemic. 

9. Change it Up

Jokes have circulated the internet regarding many girls dying their hair during this pandemic, however, the logic behind it truly makes sense. If your new hair color looks bad, then no one will see it if you don’t want them to. Along with this, after being in quarantine for so long, you may feel as though you need a change. Dying your hair is the easiest way to quickly change your look for fun. 

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10. Style Some Fits

While many people have been spending quarantine in sweatpants or pajamas, take a day to get out of bed and style some outfits. This way when quarantine is over you will come out of your house looking more stylish than ever. 


11. Practice Different Make-Up Looks

You might already have an everyday make up routine that you know and love, but during this time, try branching out and attempting a few wild makeup looks. You never know what you might like and could wear to the next formal event you attend. Similar to an everyday skincare routine, you also could use this time to research new makeup products to add to your everyday look. 

12. Sleep

This is the easiest way to glow up during quarantine. Sleep will both help your mood and looks improve. Although you already sleep on an everyday basis, no one seems to ever get enough sleep, and now is the opportunity. Try getting a full eight hours of rest every night, and you will feel much more energetic each day. 


Do you have any quarantine glow up tips? If so, let us know in the comments below!

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