A bad week. It happens. You think that you’re off to a flying start and become motivated to have the greatest week ever and then BAM! Things go from bad to worse and before you know it you feel like you’ve been defeated in every challenge that’s been thrown at you.
Sometimes life can become stressful and because we work so hard, we tend to forget that we need to take a break. Getting away from your surroundings to a peaceful place can really help put things back in perspective while you reenergize. Even if it’s having a candlelit bath, it can really help to meditate to get your mojo back!
Have fun and enjoy yourself! It’s important to have some ‘me’ time and what better way to do it than go shopping! You can buy that nice coffee you like to drink when you want to treat yourself or buy yourself a new outfit for a refreshed look. It’s a fantastic way to get out and forget about the stress for a little while.
It can often be the result of plans not going to plan and that’s when we end up having a bad week. We try to do too much in too little time, which can exhaust us and make us feel unaccomplished. If this happens then maybe it is for the best to create new goals, so you can focus your energy on something that’ll be worthwhile and will help you to get your mojo back!
Sometimes we think we have a plan mastered from start to finish when it comes to the challenges and goals we set ourselves, when sometimes it just doesn’t work out. This results in a bad week where we feel demotivated and it feels like whatever we do isn’t good enough. Don’t worry about it! Carve out a plan B and carry on, things will work out eventually!
Maybe one of the reasons you feel like you’ve had a bad week could be that you’re lacking in your social life. It happens to the best of us, we become busy in our daily lives with work and trying to maintain a relationship that we forget to keep our social life in check. Meet with a friend, go out for lunch, it’s bound to put you back in a positive frame of mind!
Sometimes bad moods stem from being bored! We can often focus too much on our work and start to build a habit of working in a constant cycle to the point where things become mundane. Adding a new hobby in something you’re interested in can really help you feel positive about things, and you might just build new friendships/relationships along the way!
Sometimes the choice of clothing we wear can affect how we feel, so why not try and switch up your style by updating your wardrobe! You might feel so much better and feel a lot more positive about things for the new week to come!
A great way to relieve stress is hit the gym! While you’re at the gym you’re improving your physical and mental strength by taking your mind off things and focusing on self-improvement! It’s another great way to socialise with other people whilst you’re not at work and will help you get your mojo back!
Having sex is such a great way to relieve stress! It can help put you in a better frame of mind and it’s so important to keep a balance between work and pleasure You might be working way too hard and having sex might just put a kick back into your mojo!
Taking a day out and cooking a recipe you’ve always wanted to try makes something that might seem mundane fun again! There are so many recipes on the internet and you access just about all of them, so what you waiting for? Whether it’s sweet or savoury that you’re into, new flavours are waiting to be unlocked on your taste buds!
Alternatively, you could go out and explore somewhere that you’ve never been before. Whether it’s hiking and seeing the best of what nature provides, or it’s a place in your own town that you’ve always been curious about. Seeing something new can help you refresh and put you in a better frame of mind to get your mojo back on track!
One of the best things you can do when you’ve had a bad week filled with embarrassing moments is to relax! Get some scented candles out, dim the lights, eat chocolate and do something relaxing that you enjoy. It could be a nice long hot bath or even reading a book, it’s best to rejuvenate and take your mind off the things that you can’t change! Your mojo will soon come back as well as your confidence!
If you’re feeling defeated after the end of a long hard week and feel a loss of confidence in the work you have done to achieve your aims, one of the best things to do is escape! Take the weekend out somewhere quiet or go and visit family or friends as it’s bound to make you feel better about things!
Have a drink and let go! Sometimes we can take life too seriously when it doesn’t have to be and what better way than to put us in a better mood than to go out clubbing and enjoy some of the city music and lights! Dancing has been known to help improve confidence and self-esteem!
Sometimes when we feel negative, we often think that we’re just in a bad mood with every little thing annoying us. When really, it’s our body crying out that we need to sleep and reenergize! If you’re constantly feeling tired during the week then you are bound to feel demotivated. Get a good night’s sleep and you’ll soon feel like yourself again.
It’s vital that we take a break from work because we can overdo it and feel really stressed which is bad for the health. Take a night out to watch one of your favourite movies or watch one that you haven’t yet and that’ll certainly cheer you up and make you forget about the bad week for a bit.
Often, we can find ourselves struggling socially whether it be down to anxiety or complications with friends or acquaintances and that can lower our confidence. It’s best to delete the negative influences and focus on yourself. The more you focus on what you want to achieve, the more you won’t be bothered about the people stopping you from getting there! You’ll have your mojo back in no time!
When we’ve finished a long hard week of work and it didn’t go quite to plan as we imagined, we feel defeated and therefore feel like giving up on our goals. Don’t do it! Forget about the moments that make you feel this way because a bad week happens to everybody now and then. Remain optimistic and as positive as possible and good things will come your way!
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