15 Ways to get your Hook Up’s Roommate to Like You

Hook ups can be a single girl’s best friend! Sometimes you’re just not ready for everything that comes with a relationship. But as anyone who’s been in college for a little while knows, a lot depends on your roommate(s)- shower times, sleep schedules, and yes, hook ups! So how do you master a hook up? Befriend the roommate, and your life will be a whole lot easier! Here are 15 suggestions on how to get on the roommate’s good side. It may seem geared towards the fellows out there (I give quite a lot of advice to my guy friends), but these tips apply to everyone!
1. Be Considerate
Everyone knows that getting sexiled is part of college. However, you’re going to get some major brownie points if you try to be flexible around the roommate’s schedule. This may not always work, so if you need to sexile the roommate, try to at least make sure he or she has notice well in advance (usually a day or two early) so they can find someplace else to crash.
2. Be Friendly
The more effort you put into keeping him from feeling like a third wheel, the better the dynamic will be. If you guys are having a night in and order a pizza, ask if he or she wants some. One of the worst things you could do is to make the roommate feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in their own room.
3. Less Is More
We get it, sometimes you’re just in the mood. However, if you’re consistently hooking up with the same person (and sexiling the same roommate), try to limit the number of times per week you’re kicking him or her out of their room. Twice a week is a good rule of thumb.
4. Keep It Down
Learn how to hook up quietly and learn quickly! Maybe they live in a suite in which case no one wants to hear you while they’re playing grand theft auto or doing their homework! If you master the art of being subtle and sneaking around, you’ll be on the roommate’s good side more often.
5. Hang Out in Their Suite
If they live in a suite or have more than one roommate, try to hang out there when you aren’t hooking up. Don’t just show up when you’re sexiling them. Let the roommate(s) get to know you!
6. Treat Their Roommate with Respect
Respect their stuff, their side of the room, pretty much just be a decent human being! This also applies to room rules like keeping the music turned down or whatever the dorm rules are.
7. Treat Your Hook Up with Respect
No one wants to see their friend getting treated badly, and the roommate is also going to be there for them if they’re upset about something you said or did. This is especially true if you’re hooking up with a girl because odds are her roommate is going to be the shoulder she cries on if you upset her.
8. Be Gracious
If your hook up’s roommate isn’t single, offer to house your hook up for a night so their roommate can have some alone time with their special person. They’ll thank you later.
9. If There is Drama, Be Switzerland
Seriously, don’t get involved in inter-roommate conflict. You’ll be asked to take a side and that won’t end well.
10. Don’t Add Any Drama
Whether you’re arguing with your hook up, or you’re involved in some other drama, leave the roommate out of it, just like you would avoid their drama. It works both ways!
11. Play Wingman (Or Wingwoman)
If your hook up’s roommate is single, odds are you have some single friends. This depends on how close you get with the roommate, but don’t be afraid to offer to set them up! If anything, they’ll appreciate the gesture.
12. Be Modest
Take it from someone who knows, no girl wants to stare at her roommate’s hook up in his boxers in the middle of the day. Some situations are unavoidable, but make an effort to put some clothes on when the roommate is around!
13. Be Understanding
Sometimes the roommate is going to be having a crappy day and want to hang out with their friend (Saturday for the boys, and girls’ night out are examples of this). In that case, be understanding and don’t make it a big deal.
14. Be Smart
Drunk hook ups happen, but the roommate didn’t sign up to take care of wasted you, so if you’re always throwing up in the bathroom or waking up hungover, odds are the roommate won’t like you much.
15. Pitch In
You’re going to spend a decent amount of time in the room, so whether it’s moving a couch or cooking dinner, do what you can to help out in the room! This is an easy way to win the roommate’s favor!