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10 Ways To Get Back To Your Normal Routine Once Coronavirus Is Over

10 Ways To Get Back To Your Normal Routine Once Coronavirus Is Over

Allow me to be the devil’s advocate for a second by saying that things will never be the same after the damage the Coronavirus caused. The fear that a lot of people had can’t subside unless the CDC confirms the virus is gone, but until then, things will never be the same. But that doesn’t mean we have to put our lives on hold once everything reopens. We need some normalcy in our lives and a lot of the places we usually go to with friends are changing their ways to ensure we can continue our lives.

1. Go To The Movies

Many new movies’ release dates have been postponed until a later date because of Coronavirus, but as soon as more places reopen, release dates will be finalized, which means you’ll have the ok to go to the theaters. Grab your friends or that date and go see a movie. I’m pretty sure everyone misses sitting in those recliner chairs, with the smell of theater snacks filling up the room, watching previews before the movie, etc. And when the coronavirus is over, the seating arrangements in theaters will be spaced out to continue social distancing while allowing everyone to enjoy a movie.

2. Hit The Bar

You deserve a strong and stiff drink if you’ve been following protocols. Luckily, bars are preparing to reopen when the Coronavirus is over and are making changes to ensure they cooperate with the social distancing orders while keeping their customers satisfied. So, when everything reopens and you’re granted permission to go to the bar, put on that sexy outfit, grab your friends, and have the best time of your life because, again, you deserve it. And because everyone in the bar will need to follow the six feet rule (except you and the friends you’re with) you won’t need to worry about creepy approaching you.



3. Go On A Trip

Airports will have restrictions when it comes to people traveling but you will have the opportunity to go on that vacation you want and need. I understand that staying home with your family is a huge headache and you’re waiting for that announcement that allows you to travel far away from them. Don’t worry, it’s coming and soon you will be relaxing on a nice beach with a cold strawberry daiquiri decorated with a mini umbrella in your hand and your phone in the other, taking selfies.

4. Go On A Date

The Coronavirus has prevented you from interacting with people and when things go back to normal, you’re going to want to interact with someone, perhaps a love interest. When this virus is over, why don’t you find a date and go out with them? It’s probably been a while since your “private” area has been touched and that may be what you’re longing for but don’t assume everyone is safe. Get to know these people at a safe distance.


5. The Beach

Do you remember that place with an ocean and waves, sand, and umbrellas? Well, that’s a beach and you know you miss it. And since a lot of beaches are already opening, it is time to put your bikini on and hit the beach. We’ve been cooped up in the house for so long and now need some sunlight and ocean on our skin. But we don’t just miss the beach but the shops and restaurants near it. Who doesn’t enjoy going to an ice cream shop and walking it over to the beach to cool down and watch the waves? This coronavirus took spring and I refuse to allow it to take summer.

6. Shopping Spree

You must miss the perfume smell when you walk into the entrance of Macy’s or JC Penny’s, the fresh shoe smell in Nike, or the pretzel smell from Auntie Anne’s. A lot of us couldn’t wait to hit the mall to update our wardrobe but this coronavirus ruined everything. But as soon as things come back to normal, I encourage you to go on a much-needed shopping spree. Hopefully, stores have a sale after this virus is gone. We could only wish.

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7. Eat At your Favorite Restuarant

It would be nice to take a long break from trying to make your favorite dish from your favorite restaurant. When everything goes back to normal you won’t need to worry about burning the kitchen down. Take yourself, the family, friends, or lover to your favorite restaurant and enjoy being served. We’ve sacrificed the quality steak and Italian dinners just to stay inside, and after the virus, we will have access to it.

8. Throw A Party

Throw a goodbye coronavirus party! You’ve had all of that space to yourself and now it is time to share it with your friends, neighbors, and family. You can either have some restaurant catering or use your kitchen to cook up delicious foods for the party. If you need any ideas for food to have at your party, you can click here. Throwing a party will help you get back to the swing of things after the virus, but still, be careful and continue practicing social distancing.

9. Take Your Furry Friend Out

Our furry little friends had to suffer with us through social distancing and quarantine. So, when the coronavirus is over and some normalcy has taken place, treat your furry friend to a day of fun in the sun. Take them to a dog park to play around (even though it will be hard to keep them away from other dogs), treat them to a free puppacino from Starbucks (with a purchase of a drink), and drive them around with the music playing and their head sticking out the window.


10. Exercise

Whether you jog at the park or hit the gym, the virus has scared us to the point where we would work out at home. But once the coronavirus is over, you will be able to get the full workout you’ve been craving. You will get to enjoy the sauna and steam room instead of leaving the hot water running in the shower. However, the amount of equipment in the gym may be decreased to half the amount because of social distancing orders.

This virus has changed a lot for us but once everything goes back to normal, you will be able to enjoy the things you used to do with a few restrictions. Let me know the things you’re excited to do again when the coronavirus is over!

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