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5 Ways To Excercise Without Buying A Gym Membership

5 Ways To Excercise Without Buying A Gym Membership

5 Ways To Excercise Without Buying A Gym Membership

Keeping a regular and consistent exercise schedule can be important to keeping your mental and physical health up to par. Unfortunately, gym memberships can be overpriced, particularly if you’re not interested in going to a chain style gym. It can also be difficult to set time out of your day to exercise at a gym, so finding ways to exercise without using a gym is important. Here are five easy ways to exercise without having to pay for an expensive gym membership.

1. Do Yoga

One great way to keep yourself healthy and active is by practicing Yoga. The only things you need to try yoga at home are a yoga mat and some comfy clothes that you can move in. If you’re not familiar with yoga positions, there are several online resources. The youtube channel  Yoga With Adriene is a great resource for finding guided, yoga practice videos. Doing yoga is a one excellent option for ways to exercise without a gym membership, and will improve your mental and physical health.


2. Run

Running is a cheap and easy alternative to working out in a gym and is great cardio. All you need in order to run is a pair of decent running shoes and a little bit of motivation. The lack of required equipment makes running one of the best ways to exercise without paying for a gym membership. If you live near a school with a track, running there is a great way to run a specific distance, or there is also the option of running around your neighborhood on the sidewalks or on trails. Overall, running is on of the best ways to exercise.

3. Biking

Biking is another great way to exercise without paying to go to the gym. Making sure that you have the right equipment for biking is important to ensure your safety. Buying a bike, a nice pair of biking shorts and a helmet are some of the bare necessities to start cycling. Alternatively, stationary bikes are available for purchase online, and can be used in your home no matter the weather. Cycling is great exercise, is a great way to spend time outdoors, and is an example of one of the best ways to exercise without buying a gym membership.

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4. Hiking

Going for a hike can be an excellent way to stay healthy and spend time outdoors. All you need for this activity is a pair of suitable shoes and maybe a few friends to tag along. Because hiking is so cheap, it is one of the best ways to exercise as an alternative to going the gym. If you’re unfamiliar with hiking trails in your area, check online to see where a few are. Going for a hike, even if its short or easy, is a great way to get your blood pumping and a way to appreciate the natural beauty of your area.


5. The Youtube channel Fitness Blender

The youtube channel Fitness Blender provides instructional work out videos of varying lengths and difficulty levels. These videos are free to the public and specify length and area of focus of each workout, so you can choose which type of video suits your needs in that moment. This channel is a great resource for those with busy lives who don’t have time to go to the gym, or don’t want to pay for a gym membership.

We hope this list of ways to exercise without having to buy a gym membership helps keep you active and healthy this summer. If there are exercise activities that we missed in this list, let us know in the comments.

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