10 Ways To Enjoy Breakfast On The Go

It’s been widely known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You’ve heard it from your parents, your teachers, your coaches, and maybe even your nutritionist if you have one. Whether you have a final exam, a big game, an important interview, or just a busy schedule you’ll always hear the phrase “make sure you eat a big breakfast,” from your peers or elders. Breakfast gets you energized, increases your focus, and kick starts your metabolism, turning you into a lean mean productive machine, ready to conquer whatever the day decides to throw at you. Not to mention breakfast food is by far the best food! The only problem is with our busy schedules it is easy to forget about breakfast, grab a cup of coffee, and start your day running on only caffeine and maybe some water. When your rushing in the morning this seems like the most productive option but when you are distracted by hunger before lunch, or get that mid-day crash, it drastically affects your performance level. You may be reading this thinking it is impossible to eat breakfast every day but that is where you are wrong. Here are 10 ways to enjoy breakfast on the go to ensure your always on top of your game.
1. The Coffee Cup Scramble
Want scrambled eggs but don’t have the time? With the coffee cup scramble, you can enjoy your favorite scrambled eggs in minutes. Just whisk together eggs, milk, and any other ingredient you desire such as cheese, peppers, and onions inside a coffee mug. Instead of pouring it in the frying pan all your going to do is pop that baby in the microwave for 45 -60 seconds and boom! Delicious, fluffy, scrambled eggs ready to go as fast as you are.
2. Easy Avocado Toast
Who says you have to be out to a fancy brunch to enjoy avocado toast? Not only is it healthy, its quick, easy, and perfect for days when you’re on the run. Supermarkets now sell individual perfectly portioned pre-made guac, where all you have to do is toast your favorite bread and spread the guac like butter!
3. Hard-boiled eggs
Maybe one of the quickest ways to enjoy a hearty breakfast on the go. All you have to do is sacrifice 12 minutes of your Sunday night to boil your eggs and you’ll have an easy grab and go breakfast for the rest of the week!
4. Waffle Sandwich
You don’t need to sit down with a fork and knife to enjoy a waffle breakfast. One of the most diverse on the go breakfast options, waffle sandwiches are easy to make, fun to eat, and cater to anyone’s taste buds. You can go with the classic butter and syrup, peanut butter, Nutella, cream cheese, jelly, and so on. The options are endless! If you find yourself with extra time in the morning throw two eggs, cheese, and bacon in between those two frozen waffles and you’ll have yourself a breakfast sandwich to die for.
5. Overnight Maple Oatmeal
Although it requires a little prep the night before, overnight oatmeal will have you eager to get up in the morning. All you need is a large bowl to mix 2 cups of oats, 1 cup of milk, 1/4 cup of maple syrup, and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. After mixing all the ingredients you’re going to let it sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning add some vanilla yogurt and fresh fruit if desired and you have a hassle-free healthy breakfast.
6. Cold Pizza
Although it may not be the healthiest choice it will for sure give you the energy you need to get your busy schedule underway. Not only is it fast and easy but it tastes great, and doesn’t break the bank. Perfect for the broke college student, you can kill two birds with one stone by having pizza for dinner and taking the leftover the slice in the morning with your cup of joe!
7. Yogurt & Granola
Sometimes the best things in life are simple and this is no exception. Why go through all the trouble of whipping up a big breakfast when you can have a nutritious breakfast full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, and probiotics with half the ingredients and half the time. Yogurt and granola is quick, easy, and delicious. My personal favorite is granola mixed in strawberry yogurt and it’s the perfect way to start your day.
8. Frozen Breakfast Burritos
Who doesn’t love a good breakfast burrito? Stuffed with eggs, bacon, cheese potatoes, maybe some peppers and onions. If I could I would have a burrito for breakfast every day but who has the time and energy to cook all of that on a busy morning.? If you are like me you would rather get the extra half hour of sleep, but with frozen reheatable burritos, you can get the best of both worlds! Here,s an easy recipe from tasty that will transform your breakfast routine.
9. Frozen Fruit Smoothies
Frozen fruit smoothies are healthy, quick, and don’t break the bank. All you need is a blender your favorite frozen fruit, milk, and yogurt. The frozen fruit is key as you don’t need to add ice and don’t have to worry about your fruit spoiling on the counter! This refreshing breakfast will have you feeling happy, healthy, and ready for that 8 a.m class.
10. Peanut Butter Apple Sandwiches
Peanut butter and apples go together like milk and cookies. It is the perfect anytime snack and also the perfect on the go breakfast. The only problem is it could make a giant mess leaving you with sticky peanut butter all over your hands. An alternative would be to dip your apple slices into your peanut butter, like cookies into milk, but if you’re on the go and have to eat while you drive it could be a hassle and not to mention dangerous. The key is to cut your apples horizontally so they look like donuts. Spread the peanut butter in between two slices and you got yourself a mess-free, easy to handle sandwich. You could even spice things up and add granola or chocolate chips for a one of a kind on the go breakfast.