Categories: Lifestyle

10 Ways To Declutter Your Apartment For Spring Cleaning

Spring is here so its time to start with spring cleaning. Cleaning might seem like a giant chore to most people, but decluttering is meant to reorganize your life and throw out the stress that comes with too much stuff. Try these 10 ways to declutter you life when it’s time for spring cleaning.

1. Tackle those closets

Apartment living means that there isn’t a whole of space for you to spread out. When it’s time to start spring cleaning start with those closets that have been filling up all winter long. Although it’s not the project you will see the results of all the time, by starting with the closets you are able to see how much room you actually have to store the rest of the stuff.

2. One Room At A Time

Next, choose that one room that gives you anxiety when you see it whether it be your bedroom or living room, start there. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to conducted in one day. Just like a diet, its a lifestyle change so go slowly and make sure the changes that making will stick for you and your lifestyle. Start with the things that are clutter like magazines and other things that can be recycled. Once that room is sparkling, head to the next room.

3. Give One Item Away A Day

If you tend to be a bit of a pack rat, try giving one thing away a day. This spring cleaning trick can be applied to anything from your mug collection to your clothes closet. Give yourself a week and see how you feel after giving seven things away. You can make a box for goodwill or literally hand it over to goodwill each day, to get it out of your apartment. Either way, make sure you are purging each day.

4. Get Tubs

For those of us that need a visual when we are spring cleaning, go and purchase plastic packing tubs and start organizing things that don’t have a home that way. A great way to organize these tubs is by seasons; grab 4 and label them for the seasons. Whatever the season is could be on top and easily grabbed. This is always a great way to organize your clothes if you are running out of your room in your closet.

5. Focus On Your Obsession

That’s right, it’s time to go through that hoarding pile you have of shoes, clothes, or magazines. Choose your favorite of these items and save approximately a fourth of them. I am not saying get rid of your prized possessions, but if this is becoming a problem and you can admit it, start with purging the ones that are not as dear to you. Like those shoes that have holes in them and the magazines that are ripped and torn, it’s time to send those one. Spring cleaning is all about cleansing, so it’s suppose to feel good. Don’t get rid of that collection you have put your life and soul into, but if you are ready to say bye to some of it, send it on.

6. Power Through One Day

If you are time limited for spring cleaning or the idea of doing it for a long period might slowly suck the soul out of you, take a day and dedicate it all to decluttering your apartment. Set up a time frame and end with ordering a pizza for yourself for all that hard work. Get it all done in one exhausting day, but hey if you are beast, do it!

7. 6 Month Rule

A great way to declutter you apartment not just for spring cleaning is going by the 6 month rule. This can apply to your kitchen, your clothes, and all those bottles under your bathroom sink. If you haven’t touched the item in 6 months, you donate it. There is a small chance you might need it in the future, but honestly it is just taking up space.

See Also

8. The Fridge

Don’t forget to go through your kitchen for decluttering spring cleaning session and this includes your fridge. Get rid of all those weird condiments that you will never use but bought when you were going through your home chef phase. Make room in your fridge and give it a good cleaning as part of your spring cleaning.

9. Clothes That Don’t Fit

Get rid of those clothes that might fit you one day. This has proven to not only be a bad diet plan, but it is taking up room in your closet and we all know that room in your apartment is precious. So it’s time to get rid of that dress that will never look good on you no matter what you weigh and those pants that don’t quit fit anymore. Love your body and when you change weight go treat yourself to clothes that fit you in the here and now.

10. Buy One Donate Two

This great decluttering spring cleaning rule can apply to so many things. Whatever you have in excess of apply this rule to. If you have many two many shoes but have to have this new pair, go home and donate two of your old pairs. This keeps your things in check rather than having a pile that is stress inducing.

Spring cleaning season is here so follow these 10 great rules to help declutter a stuffy apartment. What is your favorite way to keep clutter at bay? Let us know in the comments below.
Leanna Hanika

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