The Top 10 Ways To Cure A Hangover Fast

You didn’t think it would happen, but now here you are needing to cure a hangover as fast as possible so you can get your day going. We’ve all been there! Maybe you weren’t hydrated enough, drank too much, or didn’t get enough sleep. Whatever your reason: we’ve got you covered.
1. Start Replenishing Electrolytes
One of the reasons you feel so awful is because all the alcohol you drank increased your urine production, which has totally dehydrated you. One of the things you need to cure your hangover is to restore that balance. A really quick way to do this would be to grab a sports drink, which should help you feel stronger and more hydrated. If you don’t want all the extra sugar or food coloring, opt for milk or coconut water to add a little extra oomph to your rehydration.
2. Start Fighting Nausea
Oh, sweetie! I’m sorry you feel so bad. Ginger candy is a good option for on the go, while a classic lemon, honey, ginger tea would be perfect to help you recover a little in the morning, and then over the course of your day. For those who don’t prefer ginger, chamomile, peppermint, or any combination of the above ingredients will aid in digestion and curb your nausea as well. Try to do everything slowly, like eating and drinking, if you can. If you start vomiting, replenishing your electrolytes should be of the utmost importance to you. If things get really bad, remember that taking care of yourself is more important than whatever else you’ve got going on today.
3. Fruit
Natural sugar and vitamins can pack a powerful punch by helping your body get back on track. Fruits like high-potassium banana or avocado and magnesium rich apples can help you feel more balanced and begin your body’s detoxification process. If you’re able to, try making a smoothie or a juice to include as many beneficial ingredients as possible. This is also a great way to ingest antioxidants, which will help your immune system reboot itself and protect against illness.
4. Protein
To prevent your body from crashing later in the day, make sure to follow all that sugar with some protein rich eggs, salmon, or beans. Salmon is full of B12 and salt, which will help maintain your energy and sodium levels, as well as B and C vitamins to boost your immune and nervous systems. Eggs are also a good source of B12, as well as calcium and vitamin D. Beans can not only keep your energy levels up, but they are full of magnesium, which helps to support liver function and ease those sore muscles you’re having trouble with.
5. Take A Shower
Taking a cold shower will dilate your blood vessels to stimulate circulation and increase your heart rate. Not only will the cold water make you feel more alive, it will actually help the body in detoxing by circulating your blood, which can help alleviate symptoms. If a cold shower sounds like way too much, try a hot-to-cold shower. The warm water will relax and soothe you, and the cool water will wake you up by stimulating your system, ultimately helping your body to cure the hangover faster.
6. Aspirin Or Ibuprofen
Now that you’ve eaten something, you can stomach a painkiller. Eating first might just be a precaution, but if you’re already hurting, why risk it? Your stomach has already been through enough. Common painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen will help your headache and muscle pain from getting in the way, but just remember that they won’t actually cure a hangover. They’ll just help you feel better faster.
7. Get Moving
As I just mentioned, increased circulation will help to alleviate your symptoms by bringing more blood and oxygen to the muscles and the brain. Walking quickly around your apartment or dorm room, doing a few jumping jacks, or even doing some simple stretching will help your mind and body to wake up and process the toxins. Just make sure this isn’t the first thing you do because it can make you feel much, much worse if you haven’t eaten or hydrated at all. Also, this WILL make your nausea worse.
8. Essential Oil
Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil can be applied to the temples or the back of the neck, which will help with headache symptoms, while ginger essential oil can be used to relieve nausea by applying to the stomach or slowly and directly inhaling. Rosemary essential oil can help to stimulate the mind by increasing cerebral blood flow. Applying to pressure points or inhaling rosemary should do the trick! If you are opting for topical use, make sure you have an essential oil intended for topical use and that you are mixing with a carrier oil like coconut, olive, or almond oil, as some essential oils can cause irritation and rashes if applied directly to skin. Inhalation, either direct or through a diffuser, is a more accessible option. In fact, you can just slip the essential oil in your bag and inhale throughout the day. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns!
9. Caffeine
I absolutely do not recommend doing this first, or at all if you are really sensitive because caffeine can absolutely make things worse. However, caffeine will jump start your body by waking your brain up. While some may prefer coffee overall, green tea would be the best option to get your caffeine kick while helping to cure your hangover. The antioxidants in green tea have been shown to improve liver function, and green tea won’t leave you feeling as jittery and anxious as a cup of coffee might. If you’re not a huge fan of ordinary green tea, try a matcha latte: hot green matcha tea with milk and honey. Yum!
10. A Movie
I don’t know how fast is fast for you, but if you have a few hours before you need to do things, I recommend doing everything above while watching a movie. Make some tea and some soup and pop in one of your feel good favorites. A favorite film will comfort you while you slurp down bowls of soup and mugs of tea. Sometimes it can be hard to want to ingest anything in the morning, even if that’s the best thing to do to cure your hangover. By distracting yourself, you are actually making it easier to slowly rehydrate and replenish. Ultimately, time is your best friend, but only if you make sure to support and fuel your recovery.
These are the best ways to cure a hangover fast, even if prevention is really the best option for feeling your best the next morning. What are your favorite tips and tricks to cure a hangover? Do you have a good recipe?
Featured Image: via pexels, by Inga Seliverstova.
Photos: via, via, via, via, via pexels by mikoto.raw, via Instagram @samiclarke, via, via pexels by Eunice Lui
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