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10 Ways To Calm First Time Sex Nerves

10 Ways To Calm First Time Sex Nerves

Having sex for the first time can be nervewracking. You’re so extremely nervous about if you will know how to “do it right” and your mind is racing and trying to remember some of your favorite sex moves you’ve seen on PornHub. Here are 10 ways to calm first time sex nerves.

When you’re about to have sex for the first time, your nerves can be all the over the place! You’re so extremely nervous about if you will know how to “do it right” and your mind is racing and trying to remember some of your favorite sex moves you’ve seen on PornHub. Here are 10 ways to calm first time sex nerves.

1. Drink Liquor

Having a shot or glass, of any type of liquor, will definitely help calm those first time sex nerves.

2. Re-Watch Porn

Re-watching your favorite PornHub video might help relax you while also teach you some moves.

3. Consult Your Friends

Talking to your friends before you “do it” and having them give you a “motivational” pep talk, can help boost your confidence.

4. Talk To Your Partner

If it’s your first time, then it more than likely is your partner’s as well. Talk to him/her about your nervousness and he/she will share theirs too. You can both be nervous together.

5. Hype Yourself Up

Sometimes talking to yourself is healthy. Go into your bathroom mirror and hype yourself up. Tell yourself things like “you about to have him/her sprung the fuck out”, to boost your ego.

6. Watch a Movie

Watch a movie with your partner prior to when you know you about to get it in. Something with sex in it like ‘Fifty Shades”, might be a great help.

7. Exercise

Now, this one may seem strange, but doing a little exercise might help calm your nerves while also help build up your energy and stamina.

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8. Foreplay

Doing a little foreplay is usually an automatic before sex in general. However, being that it is your first time, you could use it as a way to let the freak in you come out.

9. Listen To Music

Putting on some slow jams or even your favorite trap song can help set the mood while loosening yours.

10. Let Your Imagination Be Your Guide

The moment has come for everything you thought about doing during sex and how nasty and freaky you wanted to be, to be free!

What do you think of these tips for calming first-time sex nerves? Let us know in the comments below!
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