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20 Ways To Build Your Resume In College

20 Ways To Build Your Resume In College

So what are some ways to build your resume while in college? Here are a 20 tips on turning that resume into something special:

College is a place for crazy frat parties, hanging out with friends 24/7, and…building a resume. Especially when you are in college, building a resume is a tiresome burden. However, with a substantial resume you could score that once-in-a-lifetime internship or dream job. So how does a college student drowning in loans build their resume? Here are a 20 tips on ways to build your resume in college:

1. Document EVERYTHING You Do

Well maybe not everything… but if you end up staying after class to help a friend with a calculus problem, write that down.  Eventually you will have a huge list of random activities you have done to use for your resume.

2. Research Your Major and Future Jobs

Maybe your dream job to work for Google requires you to have an internship.  By researching, it can give you a large list of ideas that are needed for your goal, and can help build your resume.


3. Join a Club or Student Organization

From business clubs to squirrel clubs, any university has a massive list of clubs students can be a part of. Whatever you want to do, there is a club for it.

4. Start a Club or Student Organization

If by chance there isn’t a club for you, make one!

5. Go to a Party!!

No, parties aren’t something to put on your resume. Sorry 🙁 But you may meet some people that could help you land an internship or get you inspired to join their organization. Networking is key.


6. High Classes, and Higher Grades

Make sure you are taking the highest classes YOU can handle and get the best grades YOU can. Strive for that A, but don’t overstress yourself.

7. Awards, Scholarships, Grants!!

I can’t stress this enough. Apply for those scholarships!!! You can find them on your college’s website or even if you search on the web.

8. Get Involved in Research

Just because you aren’t a Biology major doesn’t mean you can’t do research. All majors have some kind of research. Business, engineering, you name it!


9. Start your own blog! Or… just write for Society19 🙂

Guys, I am building my resume right now!

10. Take a Leadership Role

Nothing looks better on a resume than being in charge of something. Try to get on the board of the club you joined, or be in charge of the business project you want to start.

11. Be Competitive!

Show your competitive edge by participating in club sports, case competitions, or even competing for that role in the school’s theatre show.


12. Get Out and Volunteer

Volunteering shows that you are willing to spend your free time helping others. You could volunteer at a hospital, soup kitchen, cleaning up campus, etc.

13. Get Inspired by Stalking People

Looking people up on LinkedIn isn’t stalking, right? Nah, we good:) But try to search people that currently hold your dream job. It could give you inspiration!

See Also
This article is about study tips that will help a college student on his/her next test or essay.


14. Keep Calm and Be an Intern

Internships are amazing because you can get paid for doing something related to your field of study. There are internships for any major. Those student loans aren’t going to pay for themselves… Sorry.

15. Study Abroad is the Best Way to Learn

You can study abroad for an entire semester or just for a few weeks.  Some schools even have a design your own study abroad where you can go anywhere you want.

16. Learn a New Language

Easier said than done. But learning a new language could make you twice as worthy for that job offer because you can communicate to a wider variety of people. Por favor, págame. Tengo préstamos estudiantiles.


17. Consult With Career Services

Career Services are a place that people can go to get help with their resume. They look over your resume and help format it to look professional.

18. Work Work Work Work Work Work

What is better than being able to put something on your resume and get paid for doing it?

19. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

This process can be very stressful and often seeing other’s extensive resumes can make yours look like a pile of cocô. Quality is better than quantity. Keep working hard and chasing your dreams and you will make it. I promise 🙂


20. Make sure you love it

Never do something just for the resume. Do it because you love it. If it doesn’t excite you, move on to the next thing. Remember, if you love your job you will never work a day in your life.

What are some other ways to build your resume in college? Let us know down below!
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