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8 Ways To Build A Better Relationship With Your Friends

8 Ways To Build A Better Relationship With Your Friends

Friends are amazing. Let’s get that straight. They are the ones that can encourage us to keep going when we don’t think we can. They are the ones that tell us that our boyfriends are jerks when they break up with us. To many of us, our friends are the people that keep us sane when the rest of the world is insane. Here are 8 ways you can build an even better relationship with your friends than you already do.

1. Know your circle, know your life

There is a quote that says, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. There is so much truth to this and most likely one of the hardest things to do for yourself is to look at the people around you. Many of us are at the age of enjoying life without any “huge” responsibilities that follow us around, but what we aren’t really thinking about is our future to come.

Let’s not forget that it’s extremely important to have fun in life but we don’t need to ruin our lives in the making. If you have a friend group who is motivated and passionate about where they are heading in life, you can bet your bottom dollar that you are probably going to follow in your friend’s footsteps. So, choose your friends wisely otherwise you might be going down the wrong path.


2. Be YOU or you can forget about any real relationships. 

The reason some friendships last a lot longer than others is because they are being authentic to themselves. Why be friends with people who don’t appreciate you for being you. It shouldn’t ever be about how much money you have, or the clothes you wear, or how many Instagram followers you are racking up. It should be about the way you make each other feel. 

The greatest friendships are the ones that you can be the weirdest version of yourself and they still love you. VICE VERSA. Having friends that get you just means it’s a two-way street. Not a one way. You will know when a friendship feels wrong, and the best advice? Go with your gut. ALWAYS.


3. Sorry to break the news, but no one is perfect. Not even you.

If you want to build a better relationship with your friends, you have to understand that you aren’t perfect and your friends aren’t either. Stop trying to control every move your friends make because 1. it will be exhausting. 2. they eventually won’t like you for it. You have to understand that everyone is living their own lives. We are all trying to figure it out just like the next one.

Make the effort to accept your friends for who they are. They will feel more comfortable with you if you can support them in anything they do. Stay positive and supportive of who they want to become. Remember, it’s okay to disagree with what they have to say but it’s not okay to shut your friends down completely. Be open to their conversations.  Your friendship will grow more if you are honest and open with your communication, and I can promise you that they will definitely be there for you when you need it the most. 


4. Make the time

Yes, our lives are full of nonsense. Lot’s of it, but here’s the thing. If you want to have friends, you need to make time for them. Don’t wait for them to create something to do all the time. You should reach out and create a plan to do something yourself. The more time you spend with someone, the more you can grow together. Spending more time with someone means that you get to learn more about them and they can get to learn more about you. 

When scheduling a day together, don’t forget that it doesn’t need to be about you. Ask your friends about their lives and what they are up to. People love to talk about themselves and they will like you more if you ask about them. Just don’t forget it’s a two-way street. Conversations should bounce back and forth. 



Friendships are all about staying consistent. If you can countlessly show up for one another, you will build that trust. The worst feeling is if you become vulnerable in a situation and your friend doesn’t respond in a supportive way in the time of need. For example, reaching out to a friend about how you feel sad about your crush dating someone else. Sometimes you just need a friend when everything else is going bad. 

Another thing you should also make sure you do is to show up in person as well. If you say you are going to be somewhere, or do something, DO IT. It sucks when you get ready for a night out on the town to find out that your BFF is canceling on you last minute. Showing up shows respect for your friendship. It’s just simply rude if you don’t respect your friends’ time. 

See Also
40 Things Only Your Best Friend Knows

6. Let go of the hurt

As humans, sometimes we mess up. We may say the wrong thing at the wrong time and can hurt someone we care about. Now, it’s not acceptable if your friend says something to you that is way out of line or does something behind your back. That is not okay, but there are times when we have to let go of pity situations that don’t make sense to hold on to. If you don’t let go of the little things that occur, it will stay with you causing your friendship to ultimately suffer in the end. Let go and move on. 


7. Listen and Remember

One of the greatest feelings in the world is when you feel loved and heard by your friends. Listen to your friends and remember what they say. If they tell you that they love makeup, fashion, and blogging remember those things. These are the key things to their heart. They are sharing these with you because they trust you. Use this information to their advantage and surprise them for their birthday with something they love! 


8. Gratitude

It’s about love. It’s not about the glitz and glamour you can provide. Give gratitude to the people that matter the most to you. Thank them for being themselves with you. Thank them for loving you for who you are. Everyone loves feeling appreciated, and yet not everyone gets to feel it. Be that light in the lives of your friends. They will love you more than you will ever know for it. 

How do you build friendships that last? Comment down below and tell us how you build them!

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