College Life

5 Ways To Beat Senioritis

I am no stranger to feeling the effects of senioritis, even now hat I am about to be a junior in college there are just some days, (or weeks) when I just cannot find the energy or motivation to get what I need to do done. For those out there who are just like me I am sorry to say it doesn’t get better, it just gets worse, but there is a way to battle it like a pro and not let it get the best of you!

1. Start planning!

It wasn’t until I started college that I made full use of the free planner I was given, but it makes all the difference in beating senioritis. Start marking down when your assignments are due, which you should be doing anyway, but this time mark down the dates that you are going to get those assignments done. This way you have what you need to do but of the way and you are not tuck until the wee hours of the morning finishing that assignment that you should’ve started weeks ago. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

2. Treat yourself.

You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done when you decide that you are going to reward yourself with something once you get it done. For every assignment you finish early, take yourself out for froyo, or treat yourself to some retail therapy. You will be more motivated than ever and next thing you know it will be part of your regular routine.


3. Disconnect from social media.

Resist the urge to go on social media when you are trying to get school work done. It is nothing but trouble. That twitter break that you told yourself would only be five minutes is now a half hour and you have completely lost all motivation for school. Turn your phone off it’s for the better.

4. Change environments!

It’s not always best to be crammed up in your room to get work done. Sometimes a change in location is just what you might need. Go to your school’s library, there will probably be a quiet center where you will be with people who are stressed just like you and oddly enough that’ comforting. Also, take advantage of any tutoring centers where there is someone to help you.

See Also


5. Talk to someone.

Although you may feel like you are alone in this, you’re not. If the stress and anxiety of getting work done is getting too much for you see your school counselor. They may have a better solution for you and sometimes it’s just nice to get your feelings out there knowing you won’t be judged.

Do you have other ways to beat senioritis? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
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Jalana Fuller

Jalana is living in the city as she completes her Junior year at Baruch College. She is pursuing a career in Public Relations, and will start a new and exciting internship with Elizabeth Arden in the Spring! Once she graduates she hopes to travel around Europe before the responsibilities of adulting catch up with her.

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