Being apart of our communities is more important than ever. It’s about caring for one another and making the extra effort to give back not just to those who are in need of it, but to everyone. Here are 8 ways to be a good person for your community.
Being a good person is done in a million different ways, but one of the best ways is to donate food to those in need. Hard times happen to everyone and they can feel as if there is no one which in return can feel like one of the loneliest moments in life. With help from others, those lonely feelings stop. Be apart of your community and make the effort to buy extra foods when you go grocery shopping next time. Think as if you were the one in need, you would wish someone would help you, so be the light when all they see is darkness.
Clothing and other supplies such as baby items are definitely items in need. Donate clothing to help those that need an extra hand. You can either go out and buy new clothing or find some of your clothing that you already have that are in good shape that you no longer wear. Think about all of the people that would feel grateful for just an extra pair of socks or a jacket. It doesn’t matter how much you give. The smallest is always appreciated.
To become a good person you must learn that, it’s not about you what so ever, it’s about helping someone other than yourself. If you can take away your ego out of the equation of helping others then you will be able to fully be the light in others’ lives. A great way to give back is to volunteer anywhere you can. It doesn’t matter how you do it or where you do it, but making someone feel better is the goal.
Being kind may be self-explanatory but I think people really forget about how to be a kind person to others. Being kind means, opening the door open for someone, telling a person they look great, or helping a family member with the dishes. It’s about taking the time to love all that is around you.
I think we forget nowadays that kindness takes us far. It’s the essence of being a good person. When you are kind to someone, it’s about making the other person feel seen. We go around acting as if we are better than everyone else, just because if we put down that guard we might be knocked down for being “weak”. In reality, being vulnerable and kind to everyone who walks into your life teaches them how to do the same. Think about the time someone was kind to you, didn’t you want to do the same for someone else?
Remember that our elders are the people that have made the world that we live in today. Many of them have been through a lot to be where they are today and they deserve gratitude. Take the time to help the elderly. We need to show them more love and appreciation! Next time you are with a grandparent, or family member, or friend try to do something nice for them. It can be anything from picking up a box for them, unloading their groceries, or just simply sitting and talking to them.
Back in the day, knowing your neighbors was how you got to connect with your community. Today, we are invested in our phones more than the people around us and who they are is becoming nothing but a faded memory. Your neighbors should be the people you know the most, so next time you see a neighbor outside wave to them and say hello! Or invite them for lunch or an activity. It doesn’t matter what you do with them but creating engagement with others will build the community. By loving those around you, it brings love and light to your community.
It’s so important that we start to support our local businesses, especially since the pandemic. Many businesses have gone out of business because of this horrible situation that has occurred. Stand up for your community and go out of your way to help them out. Buy a couple extra dinners from that restaurant you love, or spend a little extra on that local clothing store. We make memories with not just the stores we shop at but most importantly the people. The people are what make our shopping experience memorable so let’s not forget that.
Showing up is by far the best way to be a good person. No matter if you are opening a door, spending time with someone, donating, all of these ways come down to one thing which is showing up. Being there is half the battle and by just showing up you are showing you care. It’s okay to not know exactly how to be a good person, or you may even feel very strange being extra kind to others. But here’s the thing, it gets easier every time.
Although being there for others is great, feeling good inside is even better. When you show up and take the time to help someone else out, you internally start to feel better. You will want to help more people and show others what it means to show up and be present. People respect others who can be accountable and that is how you build a better community. Doing your part in your community does matter even if you may think it doesn’t. It will always matter because what you do will shine a light on someone else who will then shine a light on another person. Be the light you wish to see.
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