Categories: Lifestyle

Top 10 Ways To Add Some Hollywood Glam To Your Every Day Look

From the red carpet to your board room meeting, Hollywood glam can make you feel great while obviously looking great too. 

1. Dress To Impress, Even If you’re Just At Home

You’re just as special as any red carpet, so you should start every single day by wearing clothes that don’t just feel good on you, they also make you look good. If you work from home or you’re just having a chill day you can add a touch of Hollywood glam to your life by dressing the part. Leave the sweat pants in the closet and break out that sparkly shirt you never wear because you think it’s too flashy. Dress to impress even if the only person you’re trying to impress is yourself. 

2. Make Time For Makeup

Doing your makeup in the morning can be a relaxing experience that helps you get ready for the day. That is, if you have enough time to actually do your makeup! Most days I wake up and only have five minutes to slap on as much concealer as possible before I have to be out the door. Don’t do that. Make time in your schedule to put on your makeup so that you don’t have to rush it. Find new ways to apply eye shadow or blend your foundation differently. Not only will this add a touch of Hollywood glam to your day, but it will also relax you and help you have a more productive day because you won’t start it rushing around your bathroom.   

3. Accessories

Maybe you can’t wear an evening gown to your job at the paper company, people might not respect that. Add glamours accessories to your wardrobe though so that you can bring your Hollywood glam style with you everywhere you go. Pair your jeans and t-shirt with a cute handbag that you would never normally bring to work. You will feel like you’re walking on the red carpet, even if you’re just strutting your stuff down the hallway to the break room. 

4. DIY Photo Shoot

Sick of looking at beautiful Hollywood stars Instagram photos? Wondering how you could get those same results without having the entire team at vogue magazine style you? Good news, you totally can! Set up a DIY photo shoot in your living room and start feeling great about your style from the amazing photos you can take. Need a back drop, try using sheets, towels, table cloths. Don’t have a professional camera to use, your Iphone has a self timer on it. Get yourself all dolled up, use the good mascara and slip into that dress that is too expensive to wear out and get yourself in front of the camera. By treating yourself to a DIY photo shoot on a Saturday afternoon can give you an instant confidence boost and nothing says Hollywood glam more than confidence. Even if no one ever sees the photos you will feel fantastic and have them as a reminder to yourself for when you need a boost of confidence throughout the week. 

5. Good Posture

Look at any Hollywood red carpet, what is everyone doing? Standing up straight. It’s actually amazing what benefits come from having good posture. By just straightening your back out your entire body will thank you. The other great benefit to standing up straight is it will totally change the way you wear clothes. With good posture suddenly your jackets won’t look so frumpy, t-shirts won’t hang on your body and every bra you wear will make your boobs look great. If you’re having trouble keeping your back straight all the time, try just doing it for five minutes a day. Eventually, you’ll be doing it all the time. 

6. Only Wear Things That Make You Feel Good

We all have that one outfit that we hate wearing but we end up wearing it every single day. For me, it’s a pair of jeans that don’t really fit me right, but sometimes the weather isn’t great and I have to wear jeans. If you’re looking to add Hollywood glam into your life then first you need to get rid of everything that doesn’t make you feel glamours. Go to your closet right now and purge Jean’s that don’t fit right, a t-shirt that makes you look frumpy, underwear that has holes in it and any other item of clothing that you hate wearing. Get rid of it all! From now on you’re only going to wear the clothes you actually like. 

7. Follow Trends

Hollywood glam starts in Hollywood so if you’re looking to bring that glamour into your life you’re going to want to pay attention to what your favorite Hollywood stars are doing. Trends may come and go, but you should try to catch a few before they leave forever. Even if it seems like a risky choice, try it it anyways! Find one star that you love and copy the new trends they put out, maybe you’ll hate them but fashion is about pushing yourself.   

See Also

8. Try Something New

Not only should you start trying new fashion trends you should start trying new everything. Go crazy with your style for a while and break out of the rut you have put yourself in. Dye your hair a new color, wear a crop top or try a new signature scent. Push yourself to try something new every single day and you will totally transform your life into a more Hollywood glam vibe. 

9. Glitter

When you think of Hollywood glam you probably think of glitter. Which is why this is the easiest way to add Hollywood glam into your lifestyle, just add some glitter. You can go as little or as crazy as you want with glitter and it’ll look great no matter what. Start small with glittery eye shadow and work your way up to glittery pants. 

10. Smile

The best and the quickest way you can add some Hollywood glam into your life is just to smile. Your entire face lights up just like the cameras on the red carpet when you smile. Try to find one thing a day that makes you smile and hold onto that. 

Hollywood stars shouldn’t be the only ones allowed to have Hollywood glam in their life. Add some movie star magic to your day job, school day, or midterm with these fun and stylish tips.

What is your favorite Hollywood glam look? Comment below!

Featured Image source: Unsplash images
Mackenzie Jaquish

A digital content producer who loves writing about all things pop-culture, fashion and of course food! Follow me on Instagram, @mackenzie_jaquish for updates on my newest articles.

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