
5 Ways Of Using Coconut Oil For Skin Care

Coconut oil is well-known as being useful for just about everything.  From smoothing back flyaways to being an amazing oil for cooking, you might be wondering if there is anything coconut oil can’t do. That being said, it is amazing for your skin! If you aren’t sure how to use it, check out these 5 ways of using coconut oil for skin care.

1. Remove Makeup

Have you ever felt like your makeup remover is a little too harsh on your eyes? Try rubbing some coconut oil gently onto your eyelids, and then remove with either a cotton ball or a damp, warm washcloth. You will find that this method is a lot less harsh, and will actually hydrate and prevent wrinkles.

2. Cleanser

A great way to use coconut oil for skin care is to try it as a facial cleanser! Since it has antifungal, antibacterial, and moisturizing properties, coconut oil has all the makings of an ideal cleanser. You could also rub coconut oil onto your face and then remove it with your favorite face wash, if you are worried about using just the oil alone.

3. Night Moisturizer

Coconut oil can be a wonderful addition to your nighttime skin care routine. Try either dabbing it on by itself, or if you have more oily skin, simply add a few drops to your regular moisturizer. You will be amazed at the change in hydration you can see and feel on your face!

See Also

4. Cold Sore Reducer

Yes, coconut oil can even treat cold scores! Applying coconut oil directly to your cold sore will help speed up its healing time, alleviate pain, and even lower the risk of scarring. How does this happen? Well, the fatty acids found in coconut oil actually have antimicrobial and disinfectant properties. So, not only will it help protect against microbial infections, it will work to heal them, too.

5. Sunburn Treatment

Did you forget to apply your sunscreen today? Don’t worry, coconut oil can be used as a treatment for your sunburn. The oil will soothe your skin as it reduces redness and rehydrate your skin. Even better? It does have a few sun protection properties, so you could even add a few drops of coconut oil into your favorite sunblock.

Do you use coconut oil for skin care? Tell us in the comments below!
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Alexa Gahan

University of Delaware grad hailing from the North Shore of Massachusetts. I like quoting the Real Housewives, pretending to know the lyrics to songs I've near heard before, Tom Brady, piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

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