10 Ways Of Getting Active On Campus

Starting off your freshman year of college can be quite nerve-racking. However, the only way to make life enjoyable on campus is by exploring the different clubs, organizations, or activities that your college/university offers you. Here are some tips on how to get yourself active on campus:
1. Join a Club
Almost every college/university has around 100+ clubs, so there has to be AT LEAST ONE that you would be interested in. If you have a hard time looking for a club, try finding one related to your cultural background or personal hobby. Not only will you be able to get involved with a topic or concern that matters to you, but you will also meet a ton of people who have similar interests and goals as you.
2. Go to Campus Events
Student Activities constantly holds events all over campus. You can probably find these events either at your main center of campus or find flyers on bulletin boards in between classes. Along with that, most schools give student discounts to specific events, such as concerts, fairs, festivals, or plays.
3. Get Involved in Greek Life
Joining a sorority or fraternity is a key way to meeting new people. Every single fraternity or sorority has a foundation in what their cause is and how their background relates to their organization currently. With this, you can join one that will represent who you are and find your own personal identity with guidance. Along with that, you will also be within a pool of other students who value the same morals and are looking for a similar foundation. It’s a great way to get active on campus and meet a lot of new people.
4. Join a Sports Team
Sports is usually a huge part of campus life. Representing your school and playing games against neighboring schools will definitely put you out there for meeting tons of new people. Along with that, you get to travel to competitions and constantly broaden your horizons on new experiences.
5. Volunteer on Campus
Campuses are constantly looking for volunteers, whether it be for student activities, organizations, class projects, or various campus events. By volunteering, you will be able to gain tons of new experience and learn what you like versus what you do not like. This will be a clear indicator on how you choose to volunteer in the future and it also gives you the opportunity to get involved and active on campus.
6. Become a Tutor
Everybody is in college for a reason, primarily so they could pass their classes and graduate. With this, many students look for tutors so they could get extra help in passing their classes. Not only will you make a little extra money but you also will meet a ton of students in the meanwhile and make an impact by helping them out with their grades.
7. Broaden your Resume
Most campuses have career centers or job fairs hosted within them. With this, you can utilize your resources and try to find a job or an internship pertaining to your major. This will expand your resume for future employers and also help you get an upper hand in the college process.
8. Represent Your Team at a Game
School spirit is an integral aspect of being in college and a fun way to get active on campus. Game days are especially the rowdiest, with the fraternities usually hosting tailgates. These pre-game events usually involve most of the student body and unite everyone together as one. Along with that, representing your school colors and mascot shows pride in where you are and with what you do everyday on campus.
9. Run for Student Government
Student government is an extremely significant aspect of campus, mainly because they organize all the main events and workings of the school. By being involved, you will have a say in what happens on campus and will always know what is going on. Along with that, you will be a leader amongst students and learn to integrate yourself within a large community.
10. Take a Look at the Arts Department
The arts department tends to have numerous showcases depending on the category. You can explore the theatre within the drama department since they usually host two mainstage plays per fall and spring semester, depending on the university. However, you can also attend art galleries and view the live showcases of artists painting right in front of you. Along with this, the music department hosts various recitals within the jazz department or the choir department, so you can also attend these showcases and view the talents of your peers.