I Watch Porn, So What? Embracing Porn As A Female

Porn, a word that seems so taboo in a world that is constantly having or thinking about sex. Most people, when they think of porn their minds go straight for dirty and wrong, but why? Sex is a natural act of humans and is also necessary, but it doesn’t seem like many people like to talk about it – especially women. Here’s what watching porn as a female is important!
According to an article from Bustle “This Is How Many Women Watch Porn Every Week” they declared that “Nearly a third of women surveyed reported watching porn every week — and 10 percent watch it daily.” This is a wonderful result and these women should be proud of their sexually and satisfying needs.
Men are never questioned when it comes to how many women they sleep with or the amount of porn they watch
But when it comes to women, forget being praised for having casual sex but women to also be watching porn? Unheard of! It is just as natural watching porn as a female as it is for men and its okay to talk about it too.
When I first watched porn, I felt very embarrassed and nervous and I was alone!
I felt like I was doing something wrong and unnatural, also I had not been self-pleasuring myself for all that long either (which is also nothing to be embarrassed about and to embrace also!) Naturally I was curious what it would be like to watch porn and see what all the hype was about. Sure, there are naked men and woman which is appealing of itself but to watch how those people have sex is something else.
Of course, many scenarios that are played out in porn are unrealistic but I think that’s one of the fascinations of porn, is that it isn’t real and you can go somewhere you never thought you could before, not only mentally but sexually. After I got the hang of watching porn and being able to be comfortable with it and myself, I was able to take my sexual needs to a higher level.
Not only is it fascinating to watch the movements, the sounds and acts of these performers but it was exciting for me to connect with myself on that kind of sexual level.
I became more comfortable and confident with myself sexually and I wanted to watch porn to help reach those ramifications. Watching porn was so freeing for me to watch and experience it on my own. I was able to find out what I like, where I like it and where I wanted it to take me.
Porn is meant to be experimented with, whether it be by yourself or with a partner, it is meant to have fun with and act out the fantasies or create your own.
You can learn what kind of sex you like, explore more of what you like or learn something totally new. You also get to experiment with what your partner likes in bed too, whether it be individually satisfying or you do it together. Obviously, though the best part is your orgasm! I personally think the orgasm you receive while pleasuring yourself to porn is not only fun but OH so very satisfying. This is also a good thing to work on with yourself so that you know how to climax and achieve the best orgasm you can alone or with your partner.
You do not have to watch porn for anyone or with anyone, in fact, I’m sure most women partake in it solo, I know I do.
After experimenting with porn and self-pleasuring, I know that I will like watching it with someone else and take my sex life to a whole new level. There is a certain kind of confidence it brings you knowing that your sexual appetite is healthy and thriving, there is nothing wrong with having an active and healthy sex life, everyone needs it! So, don’t be embarrassed, watching porn as a female is totally normal and something everyone should try, if it doesn’t work for you then at least you know but don’t knock it till you try it!