Top 5 Vegan Restaurants To Try In Seattle

Being Vegan is the future, it’s healthier for you and it is better for the environment. Don’t worry though, you won’t’ have to give up eating tasty food in exchange for a healthier way of life. Seattle is home to so many great vegan restaurants it’s hard to pick just one favorite. If you’re planning on visiting the city, or a local, it won’t be that hard to find a tasty treat or scrumptious meal that is also vegan-friendly. If you’re an animal-loving vegan you should try out these amazing restaurants next time you’re in the Emerald City. Even if you’re not a vegan, these restaurants are worth trying out! From mac n cheese to pizza there is something for everyone on this list. Check out these dining experiences when you’re feeling in the mood for some tasty meat-free options. Who knows, you might find yourself enjoying cauliflower steak more than a regular steak.
1. Wayward Vegan Cafe
Waking up in Seattle is easy, even on a Monday because Seattle is known for its boutique coffee cafes. The problem is most of them use milk to get those tasty flavours. Milk is a big no to vegans, so the Wayward Vegan Cafe created a nice alternative to those coffee shops. Not only do they serve a great cup of coffee, free of milk and the perfect to start your day, you can also enjoy a complete vegan breakfast. Including menus items like waffles, breakfast burritos and tofu steak meal. Visit the Wayward Vegan Cafe located at 801 NE 65th St when you’re in the mood for a classic Seattle cup of coffee or you’re looking for a vegan option for the most important meal of the day, breakfast!
2.Pizza Pi Vegan Pizzeria
Pizza is like sex, even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good. Imagine eating a pizza without cheese though? Would it still be good? What would even be the point? Don’t worry, Vegan pizza is even better than extra cheesy meat lovers special at Dominos. Vegan’s don’t have to worry or miss out on scrumptious Seattle pizza. Pizza Pi Vegan Pizzeria is America’s oldest vegan pizzeria. This eatery focuses on using fresh ingredients and making every pie healthy and simple. Not only are these pizza’s meat and cheese-free, but they are also gluten-free. Celiacs rejoice, there is now the perfect pizza place for everyone. Check out this cute little pizza place when you’re in the mood for a hot meal that is also good for you. I really shouldn’t be telling you this, but they also do delivery. Very dangerous. Try to limit yourself to eating here once a week, if you think you can handle that. It is vegan though, so technically is this pizza even bad for you? Doesn’t it count as a vegetable?
3. No Bones Beach Club
The worst part about being vegan in Seattle is that you miss out on all the amazing and fresh seafood that is at every restaurant. You don’t get that authentic beach vibe that fish eaters get to experience when they visit the boardwalk. If you love the beach as much as you love being a vegan then check out No Bones Beach Club next time you’re looking for that relaxing side of the ocean vibe. Their motto is ‘just cause it’s vegan doesn’t mean it sucks!’ Their menu options range from fun drinks like a coconut mojito to tasty entres like beer-battered avocado tacos. You could waste away an entire afternoon at the No Bones Beach Club, it’s five O’Clock somewhere after all.
4. Loving Hut
I am in love with the Loving Hut! Want to know why? Because of the secret ingredient, love! That’s right every meal is made with love and you can tell too. This vegan restaurant has become an international vegan fast-food chain. With restaurant locations ranging from Palo Alto, San Francisco and Milpitas they are the fastest-growing vegan eatery right now. Check out their world famous dishes next time you’re in Seattle and want to cheat on your diet. My suggestion is to try an order of their Lucky Drumsticks, you really won’t regret those added calories. The Loving Hut is located at 1226 S Jackson St in Seattle and is open Monday-Saturday 11AM–9PM. Don’t be surprised if you see me there, I would sleep there if they’d let me.
5. The Veggie Grill
Vegan’s aren’t just meat-free because they hate meat, it is also because they love veggies! Take the vegan route next time you’re in Seattle and don’t skip the Veggie Grill. The Veggie Grill has amazing vegan food for even better prices, there is something there for everyone to love. Burgers, sandwiches and vegetable bowls are just the start of the incredible meat-free menu options they have available. With gourmet meals at reasonable prices, this is a heaven for all vegans. Get the fast-food experience while staying true to the Vegan lifestyle. It really is the best of both worlds at the Veggie Grill. What more could you want from a Vegan restaurant in Seattle?
Did you read this list because you are a vegan, or are you now getting on board after reading this list, because of how amazing all the food looks?
Vegan’s may know the secret to a happy and full life, ditch the meat and head over to Seattle to get some of the best food you’ll ever eat. Next time you’re in the Emerald City check some of these out next time you’re in the mood for trying some delicious and healthy grub! I can’t promise I won’t get their first and eat it all. Once you try going without meat for a while it is hard to go back.
Vegans all across Seattle are enjoying the benefits of living a life without meat, but still, have amazing food at their disposal.
Do you have a favorite vegan restaurant to try new food at in Seattle? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you!
Featured Image Source: Pexcel Images
A digital content producer who loves writing about all things pop-culture, fashion and of course food! Follow me on Instagram, @mackenzie_jaquish for updates on my newest articles.