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Top 5 Vegan Meat Brands Food Lovers Would Love

Top 5 Vegan Meat Brands Food Lovers Would Love

Eating Vegan Meat is a great way to indulge in foods you love with benefits. You get to contribute to animal welfare, water usage, and your health. Here are 5 vegan meat brands that will do all of the above and please your palette. 

1. Gardein

Let’s start out with one of my absolute favorite brands of all time. Ok? I have had plenty of friends praise this company for creating some of the best vegan products ever made. And I couldn’t agree more! Some of the people who love this brand are not even vegetarian/vegan! That is how big of an impact this company has made!

First of all, Gardein wins points for variety. For a veg-friendly brand, I have never seen a catalog this extensive in my life. They have chicken tenders, turkey cutlets, chili with mock meat, canned chicken noodle soup, meatless jerky, and the list goes on and on. I have been to multiple supermarkets in my life, and every time I got to the vegan entree section, Gardein products take up a good chunk of that space. This makes sense with the number of products they have. 


However, you cannot have a good quantity without quality. Right? And the verdict is: everything I tasted from this vegan meat brand has been beyond incredible! There was even a time when I introduced my non-veg mother to their “crabless cakes.” She tried them and fell absolutely in love with them. She even said she preferred these over REAL crab cakes!

2. MorningStar Farms

Initially, I wasn’t the biggest fan of what this brand offered years ago. And the reason for this was because the majority of their products were not 100% vegan. I will never forget walking down the mock meat aisle and reading the ingredient list of Morningstar Farms products. The majority of them had either dairy, eggs, or both in them. However, as time went by, I noticed that they veganized most of their products. Thus making this company more accessible for vegans. And now I am proud to say that MorningStar farms are an industry leader in the vegan/vegetarian market. 

I would also like to crown this vegan meat brand for being one of the best in variety! One could even argue that both MorningStar and Gardein hold the majority of space at the vegan aisles. You can buy veggie burgers, chicken nuggets, frankfurters, vegan breakfast sausage, and vegan pizza bites with mock sausage or pepperoni inside. They’re even the owners of the “Incogmeato” series. A catalog of mock meats that are meant to produce the closest imitations of real meat. 


The taste is incredible! I loved almost every product I tried. My all-time favorite product from MorningStar Farms is their Incogmeato chicken nuggets. The best veg nuggets I’ve ever had. They even have Mickey Mouse-shaped chicken nuggets that are perfect for kids! 

3. Beyond Meat 

Beyond Meat is a company that does not mess around when it comes to imitating meat as close as possible. There have been multiple testimonies from people claiming how scary accurate the products of this brand have been to the real thing. I can also attest to how concerning the taste and texture were. I even had to double-check if the burger patty was made of real meat or not!

This vegan meat brand has a pretty decent catalog. They have their world-famous Beyond Burger patties, sausages, beef crumbles, breakfast sausage, and chicken products. The Beyond Burger specifically has been one of the biggest releases for any vegan brand ever. It has been made available in a ton of restaurants and grocery stores across the U.S. And for almost every restaurant I’ve been to, the Beyond Burger has been an option in the menu. It is that popular!


The taste itself is amazing. The patty of the Beyond Burger does not disappoint in both texture and flavor. The patty resembles an Angus-style burger. Meaning that it is pretty hefty in size. There were even times when the Beyond patty was bigger than the meat ones at the same restaurant! 


Here’s a vegan meat brand that goes above and beyond with its products like its predecessor. But this time, they make the Impossible Possible! There has been endless praise and concern from numerous consumers on how scary accurate the products are from this company. I can even attest how spooked I’ve been when trying their products. And like its predecessor in the list, I had to make sure I wasn’t eating real flesh!

Impossible has four categories of food in its catalog: pork, chicken nuggets, sausage, and the award-winning/world-renowned Impossible Burger. The Impossible burger, in particular, is basically rivals with its predecessor. It is available in countless restaurants and grocery stores sea to shining sea. I’ve seen it plenty of times in hundreds of restaurant menus. 

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If I were to compare this burger to number three, this goes Beyond the other one! This is, by far, is the best vegan patty I have ever tried! The texture is even more on point and the taste triggered instant childhood memories of when I ate actual hamburger patties. I was completely blown away by this product, and so will you when you try this product! 


5. Alpha Foods

I would like to crown Alpha Foods as the Queen of providing us convenient foods. And by convenient, I mean they provide us with ready-to-make burritos, pizzas, and other entrees. All filled with vegan meat, cheese, and other toppings. They even offer Mexican tamales! So yes, Alpha Foods does not play around with its catalog.

In terms of vegan meat, they sell delightful burger patties, chicken nuggets, and chicken patties. My personal favorite is the chicken nuggets. They are out of this world and could rival their Mickey-shaped Incogmeato counterparts. 

Although there may not be much variety in terms of vegan meat, Alpha Foods excels more in crafting ready-to-eat meals. And every entree that I tried from them has been exceptional!


Did any of these Vegan Meats leave your stomach growling? Let us know your favorites in the comments below!

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