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5 Cute Accessories For UF Game Days

5 Cute Accessories For UF Game Days

If you attend the University of Florida and are a big fan of UF game days, then these are the accessories you need to wear to support the gators!

Have you ever had a moment where you felt that your game day outfit needed more school spirit? Well have no fear, this article will help make your next Instagram photo-op POP! After all, you can never sport too much orange and blue while cheering on the Gators! Here’s how to dress for UF game days!

1. Sunglasses

This year, sunglasses stole the game day scene, especially the famous “clout goggles.” Clout goggles come in so many colors! Whether you want orange or blue to match your gator jersey or the classic white, the glasses are super trendy. Rimless sunglasses were also very popular last game season as well. With a modern design, these sunnies will also add a trendy touch to your game-day outfit.

Get The Look:


2. Bandanas

Another affordable and classic game day accessory is a bandana. Bandanas can be worn in many different ways. My favorite ways to wear bandanas are tied in a bow on your head or as a retro-styled necklace.

3. Baseball Caps

If you are familiar with Florida weather, especially the heat from The Swamp, you would know that it gets quite HOT. The sun does not rest, even on game days. However, a stylish way to block out the sun and to protect your skin (along with sunscreen) is to throw on a baseball cap! Another plus about hats is that they go with any kind of outfit! You can’t go wrong with them. You can even spot Albert Gator sporting a blue baseball cap on game days!


4. Temporary Tattoos

Another awesome game-day accessory is a temporary tattoo. You can put them on your cheek, on your shoulder, or by your collarbone! I have seen so many cute designs ranging from the classic gator to ones that say “CHOMP CHOMP.”  The best part about wearing temporary tattoos is that they can add to your look without having to worry about losing them.

5. Buttons

Whether you want to rep your sorority or wear a “BEAT (enter school name here)” pin, buttons can also add more school spirit to your outfit. They are super easy to wear and come in adorable and colorful designs.

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Preview is the first step to becoming a GATOR! From what to wear to what to expect, here are 10 things you should know before you go to UF orientation!


On game day, you can spot me wearing at least 2/5 of these accessories at once. My favorite combination has to be the rimless sunglasses and buttons! What is your favorite game day accessory?

How do you dress for UF game days? Let us know in the comment section below!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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