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UT Round-Up Attire You Should Know About Before You Go

UT Round-Up Attire You Should Know About Before You Go

UT Round-Up Attire You Should Know About Before You Go

The University of Texas at Austin holds an event every year called Round-Up. It is a weekend where students and friends all come together to celebrate the school and some great music. Run by the IFC at UT, each fraternity hires a performer and everyone goes in and enjoys! There is tons of great music and pounds of crawfish to eat, and overall it is an unforgettable weekend. However, there is always the stress of what UT Round-Up attire even is. If you are in a sorority they make it pretty easy for you and offer certain clothes that are made for the event. However, if you are not in a sorority or are visiting from another school, it can be more difficult. Here is some UT Round-Up attire you should know about before you go.

1. Fanny Pack

The fanny pack is a staple that will tie the entire outfit together while still being super functional! During the long day, you won’t have to worry about losing anything. With a fanny pack on your hip, you will have the perfect place to store your money, keys, phone, and anything else that you might need for the day! And it is nothing to be embarrassed about! Fanny packs are not only for your stereotypical vacationer anymore. They have made a comeback and they’re cooler than ever! So strap one of these bad boys around your hip and you will be set for the day.


2. Swimsuit

Any type of bodysuit would work, really, but with a swimsuit, there is something about the material that keeps you sweat-free and breezy throughout the day. And as an added bonus, there are so many cute swimsuits that can be used as bodysuits that no one will even know it’s a swimsuit. Many people will be wearing bodysuits made of that material anyway, so no one will even be paying attention to that. You will be comfortable and you’ll look super cute!

Here is a cute swimsuit that can be used!


3. Lululemon Skirt

Lululemon has some fantastic skirts, and for Round-Up you will be seeing them on everybody. They are super cute but still keep you cool and comfortable, the perfect combination when you are spending all day out in the sun jumping around and sweating. Keeping cool is the best thing that can happen! Lululemon has skirts in all different colors and styles, so find one that is perfect for you! The skirt doesn’t have to be Lululemon either. Any kind of tennis skirt would work in this situation! Just find one that works for you.


4. Cropped T-Shirt

T-Shirts are part of everyday life for a UT student, so why wouldn’t they incorporate it into their outfits for Round-Up? Find a T-Shirt that you like and think looks cool and then cut it. Make it into a cropped shirt. It will look super cute (especially paired with your tennis skirt) and it will still have the comfort of a T-Shirt. What have I been saying? Comfort is key.

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5. Temporary Tattoos

Putting temporary tattoos on your body is a great addition to your UT Round-Up attire! You can find tattoos of the longhorn symbol, or Texas affiliated words, or find some cute and quirky temporary tattoos that you find cool! You can put them on your face, on your arms, on your legs. Any way that you decide to put it on and anything that you decide to put on you is acceptable. All is fun!


Have you ever been to Round-Up? Do you have any other suggestions for UT Round-Up attire? Let us know in the comments down below!

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