5 Useful Apps Every KSU Student Needs

Apps are incredibly useful and I don’t know how I’d get through all of my classes without them. From taking notes in class, to budgeting my college expenses, these apps are a part of my daily routine. Keep reading for 5 useful apps every KSU student needs!
1. OneNote
This app is really great for taking notes and organizing them into notebooks. For Apple users, you can use Evernote. The app makes it fun to take notes and you can personalize them however you want.
2. OneDrive or Google Drive
College students do a lot of work and you need a place to store all of your documents safely and access them from any location. These drives can also be used to back up your flash drives.
3. Mint.com
When you are in college, money can be an issue. Mint.com helps track your spending and also helps you maintain a budget. By seeing where your money goes in a visual, you are less likely to splurge. You will also begin to cut back on those Starbucks trips.
4. StudyBlue
You can find notes, study guides, and more, all at your fingertips. This can be helpful when you are studying for a tricky exam or you need to brush up on some terminology. This app is your one stop study shop!
5. Any.do
This app is great for managing to-do lists, assignments, tests, and anything else you need to help you feel organized and that you have your life together.
Do you know of any other useful apps every KSU student needs? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: favim.com

Leo. Lady Boss. Gamer. Classic Film Fan. Coffee. Crazy Cat Lady. History/Vintage fan. Book Dragon.