10 URI Student Instagrammers You Need To Follow

Tailgates, sports games, socials, beach trips, vacations; you name it and these student Instagrammers from the URI have got it down pact. Here are some of the top Instagram accounts of students that attend the University of Rhode Island, you can totally tell they take every opportunity they get to snap the best pics. Here are the Top 10 Rhody Rams you need to follow.
1. @kendraniziak
Kendra is a freshman at the University of Rhode Island and her Instagram is filled with pictures from her travels around the world, awesome photoshoots and her inspiring modeling opportunities she has been handed!
2. @morgandeplitch
Morgan attends URI and is also involved in Greek Life! While she’s not doing community service with her fellow sisters, she is actually an ambassador for the brand Jovani and has various photoshoots and modeling opportunities lined up for her that she is definitely taking to her advantage.
3. @raisaforte
Raisa aka RAE is a New Jersey native and is sophomore at the University of Rhode Island. She is involved in Greek Life and you can totally tell through her Instagram feed that she has an eye for photography.
4. @jenngillingss
Jenn is a NYC native and is a junior at the University of Rhode Island. She is constantly posting so many amazing pictures and you can tell that she is making the most of her four years at rhody:).
5. @taylorellennox
Taylor is a freshman at the University of Rhode Island and a Massachusetts native. I love her page because her style is so unique and she always dyes her hair so many different colors. From half blonde/half blue, purple, pink, and now onto red for the new year!
6. @nickkijay
Nicole is a freshman at URI and is from Long Island, NY. She is involved in Greek Life and you can totally tell she is thriving at URI! Her feed is to die for and you all better hit her page and give Nickki a follow!
7. @trentertain
Senior at URI, Tour Guide, Orientation Leader, President of Sigma Chi; how could Rhody Pride not be in his blood and if you do not know who Trent Anderson is, go give him a follow! His page is full of all of his amazing adventures throughout his four years at the university and his feed is amazing.
8. @cheekymitch
Mitchell is a freshman at URI and by the looks of his follow count, 17,600 followers, he is definitely doing something right.
9. @claudiaaharrington
Massachusetts native, Claudia is a freshman at URI that has probably the best Instagram feed out of these 10 selected Instagrammers.!! She is constantly posting interesting content on her page and on her Instagram story, her page is definitely going to get huge!!
10. @barstoolrhody
If you go to URI and don’t follow this account already, I have no idea where you’ve been because they deserve your follow.