Handbags, purses, and bags are a girls’ best friend. These handbags were created to make a statement when seen in the spotlight. Each one of these brands created the “CAMP” look of purses by creating unbelievably shocking designs.
Crocodile skin handbags come in a super unique shape that has never been seen before. The two sharp points on the ends with a crescent-like look, in all black, creates a powerful vibe. The shape of the handbag offers more a powerful authority look influenced by the crocodile skin it was created with. The price of the bag is very understandable since it is coming from Paris. The brand is well known for creating new and fresh ideas so we are not surprised that such amazing and interesting handbags came from them. You are able to purchase the purse in 3 that are all available on the website as well as other styles and textures of the purse. Whether you like it with some crocodile skin or canvas, they have it on their website for you to have some fun and splurge.
Fashion king of Chanel who gave the world so much inspiration before his passing recently in 2019 in Paris, France. The creative director of Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld up until his passing, had contributed a large number of trends and staple pieces the community will always remember. The Chanel Silver Lait is a handbag that was released in the fall of 2014 under the 2 act. It became a sought-after handbag by collectors because of the rarity and uniqueness it obtains. Designed in white patent leather customized with silver, crystals, and pearls made this a hot bag for collectors from all over the world to go on the hunt for. The shape of the bag represents a milk carton that has been created to be accessorized with an outfit like we saw on the runway in 2014. Today the milk carton handbag is rare and billionaire Kylie Jenner is one of the lucky few who own the bag.
The canvas Louis Vuitton Egg shocked everyone, a bag that was oval in the form of an Egg had made its debut on the runway in 2019 under the creative director Nicholas Ghesquiere. The Eggs raised a lot of questions from the public whether the handbag was worth the investment and sure enough, it is. Like anything LV, the brand’s value holds itself up over the years and has a chance of ever-increasing. The bag retailed at over $2000.00 and has been difficult to find since then. Louis Vuitton took a bold turn with the bag as they tend to stick towards a more clean and classy look.
Judith Leiber is well known among the celebrities and fashion world for creating pieces that we see or use in our everyday lives into glamorous shiny handbags. The Kardashian-Jenners are amongst the few big names in the world that have been seen on social media that endorse the bright stated brand. The hamburger is one of the few handbags designed by Judith Leiber that are fun and bold to wear out. She has created giant glammed-out lipsticks to wads of cash covered in crystals that people just can not seem to get enough of. Available on the website you will be able to shop all the crazy and fun handbags that are created by hand and known throughout the fashion world. Judith Leiber has also created some glammed-out oversized french fries to accompany the oversized sparkly hamburger. Amongst the brand, fast food is not the only thing that she loves to overdo, there are peaches and birds concepts that have been created into glammed out oversized luxury pieces.
Creative director Virgil Abloh got transparent with everyone. The Off White transparent offers a see-through style handbag that makes people wonder why you would want to carry something that is see-through. But in the fashion world, everyone matters, and this handbag knows how to make a statement on its own. When you put stuff inside of the bag it was visible for everyone to see so putting fun or crazy accessories will add value to this unique bag. Off White, it is fairly new to the scene as it launched in 2012 and became globally recognized over the last 9 years. The brand offers an edgy look with a luxury price tag that makes people go crazy over it. Many celebrities have fallen into the brand’s magic and even been dressed for major events. Famous model Kendall Jenner was dressed by Mr. Abloh for the Met Gala in 2018.
This Limited Edition beauty coming from Chanel has been seen on Kylie Jenner’s Instagram in a 2000s throwback photo with her and this cute little clutch. The handbag is also transparent but this is in a hard plastic that will forever hold its shape. Chanel had a fun time in the early 2000s when the models were fun and alive, so was the fashion and at the peak, many great things followed us into this year. This is a much more rare and unique piece compared to the Lait silver milk carton and it comes with an unbelievable price tag of nearly $15,000.00 if you are able to get your hands on one. This cute little clutch is great for maybe a lipstick and your black card but not much more. The Chanel is cute for those days you want to feel like you are a fresh barbie walking down the street while everyone takes a long second to look back and wonder where you happen to get this purse because this clutch was made for a barbie.
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