
20 Reasons I Don’t Want To Leave Pittsburgh

Long gone are the early days of freshman year, plagued by feelings of homesickness and…

The Ultimate Guide To Sorority Recruitment At Clemson
The Ultimate Guide To Sorority Recruitment At Clemson

During the two weeks of sorority recruitment at Clemson, you will experience a whirlwind of…

10 Tips For Students Traveling Abroad

Keep reading for 10 helpful tips that all students traveling abroad should know beforehand! 1.…

20 Signs You’re Addicted To Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, oh peanut butter…has there ever been a more wonderful invention? Just thinking about…

10 Stages Of Registering For Classes At Ohio State

As it’s scheduling season, I remember all of the mental struggles I actually go through…

10 Things They Don’t Tell You At Rutgers Orientation

Rutgers is a huge campus, and sometimes it’s a little overwhelming coming in as a…

If you're heading off to freshman year at St. John's University and you're wondering what to pack, this is a list of what you can and can't bring to SJU!
What You CAN and CAN’T Bring to SJU

So you’ve graduated from high school and are enjoying your summer with friends, but soon…

20 Tips For Freshmen At Penn State
20 Tips For Freshmen At Penn State

There is so much our school has to offer, especially for newcomers. To help you start off…

Sorority Rush at Penn State can be overwhelming at first! If you're considering rushing at PSU, these are some tips for Penn State sorority recruitment!
11 Tips for Penn State Sorority Recruitment

Welcome to the craziest, most emotionally draining, most exhausting, and most rewarding two weeks of…

The Ultimate Guide to Cal Poly Sorority Recruitment
The Ultimate Guide to Cal Poly Sorority Recruitment

Sorority recruitment. This may be the most important decision you make this year, just after…