
10 Reasons I Can’t Wait To Start At UA

Keep reading for a countdown of the 10 reasons I can’t wait to start college…

20 Signs You Go To JMU

Whether you’re a current, past, or future student at James Madison University, you will definitely…

20 Tips For KU Freshmen
20 Tips For KU Freshmen

Hi KU freshmen! Or should I say hatchlings? Let me begin by saying that you…

20 Reasons Why KSU Is The Best School Ever

Whether you are a current, past, or future students at KSU, you know why your…

10 Reasons You Already Can’t Wait to Go Back to CSUN

It is July and your feet are already tapping. You are counting the days (and minutes)…

The Freshman Guide to Living on the OU Campus

Take it from me, the conductor of the “Hot Mess Express” herself, freshman year is…

21 Signs You Go to Rutgers University

Keep reading for 21 signs you go to Rutgers University! 1. You are 100% aware…

20 Things No One Tells You About Your First Year at Conn

It’s almost that time of year again! First years, welcome to a new chapter of…

The Three Stages Of Summer All Students Can Relate To

Summer… For college students, this season means we get to relax. We don’t have to get…