
Top 5 Favorite Travel Spots

I spent the spring semester of my junior year abroad in Barcelona, and I loved…

Five Must Have Dorm Essentials

Aside from the necessaries such as toiletries, food, electronics, and clothes, there are five items…

Five Easy Steps to Making Your Own Nail Polish!

There are so many colors and shades of nail polish in the makeup world, but…

It’s Travel Time

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Well it’s almost that time of year. …

[SR]’s Guide to Halloween

Halloween is all about the costume. – Sure it’s easy to act too cool for…

To Study Abroad or Not To Study Abroad?

To study abroad or not to study abroad… that is the question.  When deciding whether…

10 Things Every New Dog Owner Needs

Bringing home a new dog can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first ever pet.…

Cute Accessories You Need For Your Car

Use these cute accessories to personalize your car and make it your own!  1. Polaroids…

Easy Hobbies to Feel Productive while Procrastinating

I hate doing things This is not a joke. Unlike April Ludgate’s answer at the…

10 of the Best Pets to Consider Getting

The idea of owning a house pet is to help teach you the important roles…