
10 TV Shows to Watch this Fall

Have no idea what to watch this fall during your downtime? Have no fear, I’ve rounded…

DIY Halloween Costumes

Halloween is upon us, which means it time for tricks, treats, and costumes! Halloween is…

Win 2 FREE Domestic Flights & A $300 Visa Gift Card!

SRTrends and StudentUniverse have partnered to bring you the Explore America Giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway…

5 Reasons You Need to Watch “Downton Abbey”

One of my favorite shows is Downton Abbey, which began airing in 2010 and will…

15 Life Lessons We Learned From “Friends”

1. At some point in life, you can’t rely on your parent’s finances anymore. thebipolarbastille.files.wordpress.com 2.…

How to Deal With a Roommate who Loves to Party

If you are someone who hates going out and you get stuck with a roommate who…

10 Signs You’re Addicted to Your Favorite TV Show

1. You think about it all the time From the moment you wake up, you either…

How to Deal with Bad College Grades

Here it comes—your first college test. You spent all week studying and you got good…