
7 Tips To Find Self Love And Acceptance

How do you love something that makes you feel miserable, unlovable, and maybe even a…

5 Date Ideas That Are Perfect For Spring

At last, winter is gone and the weather has taken a turn for the better.…

10 Campus Hacks Every KSU Student Should Know

Keep reading for 10 campus hacks every KSU student should know! 1. Color code your notes.…

15 Struggles Every Transfer Student Faces at UNH

You think freshman year is hard? Try being a transfer student and having to go…

How To Email Your Professor and Sound Professional at ESU

You walk into your college classroom for the first time, and in the front of…

10 Signs You Are (Or Used To Be) A Server

Working in the service industry is a lovely thing, or at least it can be…

5 Reasons To Take Classes Outside Your Major At KSU

One of the best parts of college is being able to take classes outside your…

20 Things You Only Understand If You Watched Gilmore Girls Growing Up

Like many of you, I loved watching Gilmore Girls growing up, and I have rewatched the…

20 Signs You Go To Miami University
20 Signs You Go To Slippery Rock

1. You crave sun all year long. It’s either snowing or raining most of the year,…

10 Things I Will Miss About Ball State Over The Summer
10 Things I Will Miss About Ball State Over The Summer

The school year is coming to a close here at Ball State and after spending…