Let’s face it, freshman year can be tricky. And why wouldn’t it be? Many freshmen are away from home for…
As the summer is winding down, it's time to start thinking about heading back to school. The start of each…
Summer is quickly coming to an end. It went by quickly, didn't it? While I had a great summer, I…
Freshman year is an extremely exciting time, but it can also be intimidating adjusting to a new place. Here are…
I am beyond happy that I decided to choose the University of Southern California as the place to realize my…
The big day is finally here! You've done all your dorm room shopping, you have all those wonderful school supplies, including…
So you’ve gotten through the college application and acceptance process. Congrats to you! But what comes next? From learning how…
There are just some things one can only learn from experience. Take it from the voice of students who have…
Dates can seem somewhat taboo in college, especially if you’re in a college town. You may say you “Well there isn’t…
If you haven't already left for your study abroad experience this fall, you probably will soon. And one of the…