I’m sure you were the bee’s knees at your high school, but now you’re starting college at a big university…
Food is a hugely important part of college. Its nice to know that you can have a great meal after…
For those of you Tulane students who feel like your Instagram feed is getting a little boring, I have just…
Are you fresh out of that long high school relationship you were in? Are you looking for love in your…
Money is tight in college, but lucky for us Ducks, there’s an abundance of affordable dating locations on or close…
College takes a hit on your bank account, and sometimes your relationship with your significant other is the main victim.…
We’ve all been there- it’s 2 AM after a long night out on the weekend and you’re starting to get…
Whether your incoming freshman or finishing up your last semester of senior year, this is your mini guide to eating…
As you enter college, it is usually pretty typical to set some expectations and goals for yourself so that you…
The beginning of your first year of college brings around a lot of feelings; excitement, nerves, the whole nine yards.…