
What to Do if You Think You Chose the Wrong Major

What to Do if You Think You Chose the Wrong Major

At the end of my first semester freshman year, I knew I was in the wrong major and for the…

2 years ago

10 Dorm Room Food Essentials to Stock Up On

Food is something that college students’ lives revolve around. However, sometimes the dining hall is gross, you don’t have enough…

2 years ago

How to Create a Study Schedule

Midterms go one of two ways: you come out feeling uneasy, but did surprisingly well, or you come out feeling…

2 years ago

If Presidential Candidates Were College Students

The 2016 Presidential Election is upon us, sort of. With primaries looming closer, it is essential for every generation of…

2 years ago

My Halloween Costumes Throughout the Years

This article contains one girl, multiple Halloween costumes, and a lot of ideas! I have compiled some of my favorite…

2 years ago

The Ultimate Guide on How to be Healthy in College

Being healthy is not unattainable. Whether you want to lose that freshman 15 or just prevent it, this guide will…

2 years ago

Meet the Artist: Ruby Rose Fox

Ruby Rose Fox made it this year to the Boston Globe's list of “10 Bands and Solo Artists to Watch…

2 years ago

20 Amazing Dorm Room Ideas

From bright and cheery with a preppy feel, to dark and ominous with a bohemian vibe; everyone's vision of an…

2 years ago

8 Easy Exercises To Do While Watching Netflix

After a long day of running errands, class and work, I'm sure lacing up your sneakers to hit the gym…

2 years ago

10 Reasons to Love Fall

Fall, that time of the year when the air gets chillier, the leaves change color, and delicious Thanksgiving food is…

2 years ago