
50 Life Saving Tips For Freshmen At The University of Arkansas
50 Life Saving Tips For Freshmen At The University of Arkansas

We have the best tips for freshmen at the University of Arkansas. As a UARK freshman…

Are you wondering what to do when you're broke AF at Baylor University? There are plenty of fun things to do without spending money!
What To Do Around Baylor University When You’re Broke AF

As a college student being broke is part of our daily lives. However, there’s lots…

Sometimes, when you just can't anymore, you need to let the tears flow. These are the best places to cry at Rutgers University!
10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Cant Anymore At Rutgers University

There are good days and there are consequently bad days, during which the sky seems gray and…

We've put together some of the best GIFs that describe what it's like to be a student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Go UMNTC!
10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At The University of Minnesota Twin Cities

In our modern society, the best way to describe any emotion is through GIFs. And…

There are so many things that will happen to you at James Madison University. If you're a JMU student, you'll experience these on a daily basis.
10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At James Madison University

If you are a student at the lovely James Madison University there are some days…

Have you ever wondered what the life of a student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is like? We have the ultimate hour to hour guide.
The Typical Day of a Student at The University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Coming from high school, everyone had somewhat of an idea of what they wanted their…

While you'll overhear plenty on campus, there are some things you will never hear at the University of Georgia. If you hear these things, they're joking.
10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At The University of Georgia

Here at the University of Georgia it’s no walk in the (dawg) park. We struggle…

We've put together some of the best GIFs that describe the life of a student at James Madison University. If you go to JMU, you'll relate!
16 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At James Madison University

In our modern society the best way to describe any emotion is through gifs. And…