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The Ultimate UConn Bucket List

The Ultimate UConn Bucket List

10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At Grand Valley State University

Everyone should have his or her own bucket list in life! Bucket lists are a fun way to give you goals to achieve. I’ve created a list of must-dos at UConn that I think every student should experience. This list in no way undermines any other possible add-ons and/or opinions. So keep reading for the ultimate UConn Bucket List, and see if there is anything else you would add!

Sit in on a random class.

Let’s say you’re a Marketing major and have always heard awesome things about an HDFS class, but don’t want to waste your time taking it or changing your major. Or maybe your friend won’t shut up about her favorite class in Laurel and you just want to check it out for yourself. Why not? You’re paying the professors to teach regardless, so check out as many classes as you’d like. It’s your right.



Attend at least one men’s and one women’s basketball game at Gampel.

If you don’t realize how strong UConn’s school spirit is, you may not be at the right campus or need to get your eyes checked. The basketball teams at UConn are very talented and deserve to be loved as much as they are! Attend a game and feel the vibe the students and fans bring to the game. Paint your face, bring a foam finger, go with some friends and have a blast!!


Attend at least one nickel night.

Once you’re at least 21 years of age, head down to Huskies for nickel night on a Thursday evening and have some fun with friends!!! There’s great music, great service and great drinks. Doesn’t it all sound great?? And if you don’t drink, you can still go and have fun with friends and be the designated driver! Enforce safe driving and be there for your friends.


Try out all the dining halls.

If your friend says to you, “Have you eaten at Northwest yet and tried their mac and cheese?” You want to reply with, “Yes!! It’s so good!” Don’t feel disappointed in yourself because you didn’t sprout your wings and try all of the buffet style options on campus. Enjoy it all while you still can!



Watch Lil Brit perform at Late Night.

Lil Brit is a student named Brittany on campus who happens to love to rap. She tends to be found at Late Night singing karaoke and has SO much enthusiasm. She puts a lot of heart into music and loves to show everyone in attendance. See her fire and skills and share it with those around you!

Hit up Mooyah’s for Twoyah Tuesday’s.

If you like fast food and burgers, Mooyah’s is your place. The burgers may not be the healthiest out there, but they’re delicious. Tuesdays they do a deal where you can get one Mooyah burger and another one for free! Great chance to try the place out.


See Also
Going to a University with so many successful alumni can inspire students to be their best. These are some of the most famous alumni from UC Santa Barbara.

Check out all residence halls.

UConn has so many different housing opportunities on campus to choose from. As a student you deserve that privilege to know what you’re getting yourself into for living on campus! Have some fun with exploring and see what kind of amenities the different buildings have and the sizes of the rooms, too!

Go ice-skating for free!

If you live on a campus with a free ice-skating rink and you spend four years there and say that you never went, not even once to watch your friends, I’m disappointed. It’s free and so much fun! Take advantage of what you’re given on campus and learn something new if you’ve never done it.


Run Horsebarn Hill.

Horsebarn hill may smell sometimes, or maybe all of the time, but it’s beautiful scenery. Whether you run it, power walk it, or just drive slowly, check out its beauty and try to have some exercise while doing so! I can certainly say it’s a great workout and knowing you accomplished it afterwards is an amazing feeling.


Achieve that degree.

After four years of hard work, lack of sleep, too much coffee, tears and weight gain, you deserve to walk with that cap and gown on. Feel accomplished for what you’ve done and worked for. Be ready to start adulating in a few months or however long you plan on taking and enjoy the time you have now. Be proud of who you’ve become.



What else would you add to the UConn Bucket List? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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