12 Ultimate Sexual Fantasies Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone has a sexual fantasy, something they want to experiment with and try out. It’s like a sexual bucket list! Sometimes, these can be greatly connected to your zodiac sign as they describe who you are and what you like. Here are 12 ultimate sexual fantasies that are based on your zodiac sign.
1. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Those who fall under the Aquarius sign are often very creative and expressive. One of the ways they express themselves is what they wear. It is only natural that they would bring this into their sex life too. A sexual fantasy for your Aquarius lover might be to experiment with lingerie, the fabrics you use and the clothes you wear. From costumes to sexy, lace underwear, an Aquarius doesn’t mind trying it all.
2. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces are selfless, caring and highly devoted. They are intuitive and creative and can thrive outdoors. To become more sensual and experience the land around them is a sexual fantasy they have on their list. Sex outdoors is an experience they would love to try.
3. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries are strong, courageous and adventurous. They love being in charge and to be the dominant one. To be rough and in control is a sexual fantasy they often dream about. They love to be daring and spontaneous, especially in bed! Prepare to try some daring moves if you’re with an Aries.
4. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Bondage is on a Taurus’ sexual fantasy list. They are reliable, ambitious and very sensual. The experience of becoming vulnerable is a great turn on for them and heightens the sensuality they crave so much. Get out the handcuffs and get ready to take charge over your Taurus lover.
5. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
As the symbol of the twins, it is only natural for a Gemini to become curious about bringing other people into the bedroom. Gemini’s are clever, fun-loving people who get bored very easily. A threesome would be a great way to spice up any sex-life and experiment with new moves.
6. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Emotional and sensitive, Cancers often dream of being the submissive one in the relationship. To be tied down and left with no control is a sexual fantasy of theirs. They are incredibly emotional people and so this fantasy would allow them to break down their barriers and connect to their partner on a deeper level.
7. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Headstrong, loyal and very energetic, a Leo’s sexual fantasy can often be to experiment with rough sex and get the passion flowing. They are often fans of dirty talk and enjoy light spanking when called for. They are experimental in bed and can have a high sex drive to keep up with. Energetic sex is key to keep up with the lions of the zodiac.
8. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Tender and interested in the smaller details, role play would be a great sexual fantasy for Virgos to try out. They can be rather closed off and so creating a new character may allow them to feel more comfortable in bed. Get out some costumes and start role-playing!
9. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Libras love to impress and please. It’s oral all day, everyday for these! They love giving pleasure to others and this is their most favoured way of giving it. They are kind and gentle and know how to build up to the main event.
10. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio’s are strong-willed and incredibly passionate. They will often have a variety of sexual fantasies on their list of things to try. To keep them interested you have to try them all! Continuously mixing it up is a good way to keep your Scorpio lover happy and excited.
11. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Open minded, philosophical and loving, a Sagittarius may not have extreme sexual fantasies to adhere to. They often love keeping it simple and just enjoying sex. Slow and sensual is the way to connect with your partner and ensure you have an intimate relationship.
12. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn’s can be quite disciplined, patient and cautious. However, their sexual fantasies will sometimes break this stereotype. To really get a Capricorn out of their shell, they might want to experiment in gender bending role-play or even inviting others into the picture. They can be too practical sometimes and often like breaking their comfort zone to be free of this trait, even if only for a moment.