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Ultimate Ranking Of Dorms At Colorado State

Ultimate Ranking Of Dorms At Colorado State

It can be tough deciding which dorm room you want to live in. This is the ultimate list of dorms at Colorado State that you have to read before deciding!

Fall is just around the corner (believe it or not) which means freshmen will be experiencing college for the first time. This will be the first time they will be living without their parents in what they will call their new home; the CSU dorms. Before the freshmen move into their own cubes of freedom, it is important to know everything there is to know about the dorms at CSU. Keep reading for the ultimate ranking of the dorms at Colorado State!

12. Ingersoll

Ingersoll, also known as Ingerhood, is ranked last due to its location. It is a community-styled dorm, which means there is a community bathroom, located practically off campus at the southwest corner of CSU. To be on time for classes I would recommend leaving 20 minutes early. Despite recently being renovated, its location earns Ingersoll last place.

11. Edwards

Edwards is exactly like Ingersoll, which means its location is also terrible. However, since Ingersoll and Edwards are neighbors and Edwards is the closer one to classes, Edwards receives the 11th spot rather than the 12th. Also, Edwards has a bakery.


10. Westfall

Westfall is one of the tower dorms, which have 12 stories- so if you are one of the top floors enjoy a workout every time you go to your room when you climb those stairs or enjoy the adrenaline rush the sketchy elevators will give you. Westfall is a community dorm and also pretty far from the core of campus. However, Durrell dining hall is right outside so you don’t have to go far for food.

9. Durward

Durward is the other tower dorm, and is exactly like Westfall. The two towers even stand next to each other. The only reason I have Durward ranked higher is because it is not next to the parking lot like Westfall is.

8. Summit

A lot of people will probably argue that Summit should be ranked higher than it is because it is one of the nicer suite-styled dorms, where you have a bathroom connecting adjacent rooms, but here is why I don’t think it is so great… Summit was initial built as temporary living while Academic Village was being built. There was no intention to keep Summit around after construction on Academic Village was complete, this is why the foundation on which the dorm was built isn’t the steadiest. Summit is actually sinking a bit into the ground each year. The dorm is also quite far from classes.


7. Newsom

Newson is pretty much like all the other community dorms. It isn’t super fancy; however, it is located close to the IM fields and classes.

6. Allison

So I am a bit partial to Allison, because this is where I resided my freshman year. Allison is a community dorm located right next to the business school and is directly across from the student center. It isn’t very luxurious, but it does have one of the best dining places on campus, Spoons. Spoons is a soup and salad restaurant perfect for winter.

5. Parmalee

Parmalee is one of the suite-styled dorms. It is basically an extension of Corbett, and is connected to Corbett through their dining halls. Parmalee doesn’t really have anything super spectacular about it, except it is quite nice inside.

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4. Corbett

Corbett is also suite-styled with a dining hall. Corbett is also the dorm where most of the key communities reside. Key communities are basically a group of people in the same major or have a similar academic interest, so Corbett is a great dorm where you can build relations with people within your major.

3. Academic Village

Academic Village, AV for short, is one of my favorite dorms. AV actually consists of three separate suite dorms; Aspen, Engineering, and Honors. I always associated AV with smart people, so if you live there you might be immediately thought of as smart and who doesn’t want to be called smart? AV, in my opinion is one of the nicest dorms on campus, and the dining hall has some of the best food, including a Mongolian grill.


2. Laurel Village

I don’t know a whole lot about Laurel Village, because it was only built last year. From what I understand it is pretty much the AV of the north (it’s located on the north side of campus). Laurel Village contains two separate dorms; Pinon Hall and Alpine Hall. AV is a nice dorm and Laurel Village is just like it, but newer. That means Laurel Village has to be one nice dorm.

1. Braiden

Braiden… some people may argue with my placement of Braiden at the number one spot- but it is well deserved. Braiden is a suite-styled dorm that was recently remodeled, and let me tell you the renovations look real nice. Braiden also contains one of the best dining halls on campus. The food there is spectacular. Braiden is also right next door to many lecture halls, so that means you don’t have to wake up super early just to walk to class. With Braiden being so close to the core of campus it makes it easy to swing by to pick up a bite to eat or just head back and chill in your room till your next class.

What are your favorite dorms at Colorado State!? Least favorite? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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