Campus Life

The Ultimate Guide To Sorority Recruitment At UGA

Recruitment is different at every school, but if you’re considering recruitment at UGA, here’s your ultimate guide to surviving the whirlwind!

Before Rush Starts

1. Check social media.

Check your Facebook, Instagram, and all social media accounts before recruitment at UGA to be sure your grandma would be okay with all the pictures and captions!

2. Keep in mind that older Greek girls cannot talk to you in the weeks leading up to recruitment.

If you feel pressured by a specific sorority, you can report them to Panhellenic or your Gamma Chi at any point before or during recruitment! Dirty rushing is not okay!

3. Make sure you are rushing for the right reasons!

Don’t just rush because your mom did, or your best friend is and you are afraid she will meet other people; chances are she will, but so will you!

4. Keep an open mind.

It’s important to know about sororities before you start recruitment, but don’t think just because you like what they say on paper that it will be the perfect fit in the end. Lots of people come in with an idea of where they belong, but end up falling in love with another sorority; and that’s great!

5. Prepare yourself for all the other girls, both being rushed and rushing.

It gets to be a lot if you aren’t used to 1500 girls piling onto buses and waiting in front of houses.

6. Pick out your clothes before.

I am aware this sounds like the dark ages, but the last thing you want to do is wake up at 5:30 a.m. fumbling around your room, having to choose between putting on mascara or concealer because you’ve run out of time.


While Rush Is Happening

1. Carry a little purse with you.

Keep certain items in this at all times during recruitment at UGA: tampon (you’d be surprised at the stories from people), Kleenex (scratched my face and had to ask another girl to use one of hers), pen and notepad (you want to be able to jot notes about all of the houses and girls, or you’ll forget the details), and Chapstick!

2. Drink water.

During recruitment at UGA, they offer water at every house; don’t be afraid to take it. It’s Georgia in the summer and it’s hot; we don’t want to see any girls pass out!

3. Talk to the girls while waiting in line.

One of those girls across from you, in front of you, or behind you could be one of your future sisters!

4. Eat something for breakfast each morning.

The days are long and hot, and you need to maintain your energy level so you can have good conversations with all of the girls rushing you during recruitment!

5. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to a current sorority member while in a round.

We love talking you through our specific sorority, and it shows us that you have an interest, which is a big deal.

6. If you’re shy, don’t worry.

Just smile and choose a topic you enjoy talking about. Most likely the older girl you are talking with will have a common interest; and if not I guarantee someone else in the house does.

7. Don’t freak out if your favorite house drops you after a round.

If they drop you, do you really want to be one of them? You probably wouldn’t click, and sometimes it’s harder to see when you are the one being rushed, rather than the one recruiting.

8. Try not to cry!

It’s super awkward when older girls cry, and it’s awkward when girls rushing cry. But it will happen! At some point, you will be so tired or so moved by a particular philanthropy, that you will cry; and that’s okay, just try to move past it and back to what you love about the house you’re in.


What To Wear During Recruitment

1. Each day means a new outfit.

So make sure you bring enough dresses or rompers to last the entire week.

2. Wear bright colors.

Bright colors make it a lot easier for older girls to remember you later on in the day!

3. Do not wear super basic patterns.

Steer clear of Lilly dresses or weird patterns that will make you blend in with every other girl.

4. Do NOT wear heels every day.

Why would you do that to yourself!? No one is focusing on your feet! Wear a comfortable pair of sandals that you can walk all day in. Wedges are a good alternative, and most older girls rushing you will be wearing them too.

5. Don’t bring a big bag with you.

A small shoulder bag is perfect for recruitment at UGA. You will be in super close lines, and you don’t want something big and bulky inhibiting you from standing somewhere.

6. Don’t wear perfume.

There’s a lot of girls sweating, and all that perfume mixing is not good. Opt for deodorant instead!

7. Don’t put on a full face of makeup.

Unless you either don’t sweat, or spent a ton of money on non-running makeup.


Bid Day

1. This is the day you’ve been waiting for all week!

This is the day you pledge and meet your new home.

2. You will wear a white dress.

You’ll also meet in a giant ballroom to receive your bid card.

3. All 1500 PNMs will turn over their card at the same time.

This is when you’ll see which house invited you to their lawn. This is the moment you are officially introduced into your new family!

4. Everyone will be shuttled on a bus to the lawn of the sorority house that chose them.

The road will be swamped in older girls decked out in specific theme attire, and boys from fraternities will have lawn chairs set up on the side walk to cheer on their new neighbors!

5. After this, it’s a party between you and your new sisters!

Important Vocabulary

1. PNM

This is what you are if you are going through recruitment – a Potential New Member.

See Also

2. Rush

Another word for recruitment.

3. Letters

Any Greek letter or symbol associated with a house.

4. Big/Little

The relationship that will blossom later on with an older girl and a new member.

5. Lawn

The area in front of a sorority house.

6. Philanthropy

The organization the sorority plans to raise money for at some point during a year. Examples include Make a Wish, Humane Society, or Relay for Life.

7. Bid Day

The day at the end of recruitment at UGA, reserved for meeting your new family and other new members.

8. Panhellenic

Sorority members who meet and work to make Greek life on campus as perfect as it can be.

9. Gamma Chi

An older girl, temporarily disassociated with a sorority for the week of recruitment. She is responsible for remaining unbiased and aiding PNMs in the decision making process.

10. Gamma Chi Group

Small group of PNMs who meet before and after each recruitment day to receive schedules and rank, and also talk about certain rules.

11. Dirty Rushing

The process of an older girl continuing to talk to a PNM even after all communication is supposed to stop; and promising a PNM they will be invited to the next round.

12. Initiation

The process of going from being a New Member into actually being an Active Member in a chapter.

13. Chapter

Each sorority and fraternity have chapter meeting once a week to discuss things happening with their sorority worldwide, other sorority events, and things happening in a specific chapter. Also referring to a specific branch of the sorority.

Have any other advice for recruitment at UGA? Comment below!

Featured image source:
Mary Kathryn Hightower

Mary Kathryn Hightower is a current sophomore at the University of Georgia! (GOOOO DAWWWGS) She is pursuing a degree in biology as well as one in Photography… call her crazy! She has three younger sisters and when they aren’t pulling hair or calling each other names, they are painting or making necklaces for their Etsy shop! She was a part of her high school newspaper team, but this has been her first experience with writing for a blog and she is honestly so excited about it!

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