The Ultimate Guide to ASU Sorority Recruitment

Recruitment, sisterhood, Greek life…all of these can seem like scary words to an ASU student considering going through rush. The more you know about sorority recruitment, the less stressed and confused you will be. Keep reading to help take away some of your nervous jitters!
First things first, congrats on deciding to join Arizona State Greek life. It’s a huge part of life on campus, since so many students get involved. Let’s get started with the basics…
On this campus, we have twelve chapters:
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Gamma
Delta Zeta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Pi Beta Phi
Sigma Kappa
Pheew! Yeah that was a lot, but don’t worry, you’ll eventually get all the names down. So, recruitment..
You may be wondering “when is it?”
Well recruitment at ASU works a little different than other schools. We break our recruitment into 2 weekends so everyone has time to relax and focus on their schoolwork.
Week 1: Saturday, August 27th- Sunday, August 28th
Week 2: Friday, September 2nd- Monday, September 5th
*Attendance is MANDATORY for both weeks!
Recruitment week is extremely stressful and tiring.
So make sure you do get plenty of sleep and do stay hydrated! Also during recruitment, it is known as “Dry week” here at ASU. Which means no going out to any fraternity parties or drinking is allowed. If caught, there will be a consequence… you will no longer be able to rush this semester.
There are four days or “rounds” of recruitment. The fifth day is known as “Bid day” or also known as Christmas by many people!
Round One
You should wear something casual but cute! I suggest some casual stylish sandals (make sure they are comfortable, first round you are doing tons of walking) and shorts with a casual top.
Round Two
Now it’s time to step it up a little bit. By this I mean a casual dress, or shorts with a blouse.
Round Three
I suggest wearing something you would wear to a friend’s graduation or a family party. So maybe a skirt or dress!
Round Four
Round four isn’t known as round four, it is known as Preference. This is the day you narrow down your options and choose your final new home! So for this round it is semi formal, so think summer wedding or a cocktail dress.
Bid Day
The fifth day is Bid Day, so you will meet at the SRC fields to meet your new home. For Bid day, wear a white t-shirt with shorts and sandals. Once you open your envelope you will be directed to your new home and once you get there you will receive a shirt and a bunch of goodies!
Sorority life does come with a price though.
Unfortunately, rushing does come with a financial obligation. Here’s a link to the 2016 Sorority recruitment booklet by Arizona State. Make sure to read it! Yes, it has a lot of pages (sixty-two to be exact), but it has a lot of information regarding chapter dues, Greek housing, and dates.
Now for the important part, recruitment registration is up!
Recruitment registration is pretty much a questionnaire about you so the houses get to know you better! MAKE SURE TO REGISTER! If you don’t, you will not be able to rush for this fall semester. So with that all said, just be you! Trust the system and be yourself! Rushing is pretty much a lot of girls flirting, talking, and cute outfits. Also, by the end of the second week you`ll probably end up losing your voice from having to talk so much, so drink tea with honey for your throat. Besides if your not ready to rush this semester, don’t worry, there is always spring recruitment.
I hope you enjoyed my ultimate guide to ASU sorority recruitment week! Good luck with rushing my sun devil family!
If you have any questions about ASU sorority recruitment, comment below!
is currently a sophomore at Arizona State and is the Editor-in-Chief for the ASU SOCIETY 19 Chapter. When she’s not busy editing and writing blog posts, she’s watching reality television and eating frozen yogurt.