10 Ultimate Dorm Decor Necessities

Summer is here and before you know it, it’ll be move in day—the most hectic and exciting day of your freshmen year. That means that it is time to do some dorm shopping! Your dorm will be your home away from home so you want to put effort into shopping for your new room and put your own style into it. No matter what your style—chic, preppy, gothic, edgy, or simple—there’s some dorm decor out there that will be the perfect fit for your new room. Here are a few of my favorite things to get you started.
Photo Board
The number one thing to have in your new dorm room is a pin board. Whether you are edgy or preppy this is the perfect accessory for every girl. Pin boards are perfect for putting pictures of you and your friends from high school and the amazing new friends you will meet in college. I put quotes on mine to give me daily reminders of things close to my heart. Also, they are perfect for pinning souvenirs, like the movie ticket from your first date with the cute guy in your chemistry class.
Cute Lamp
You will be up late at night and into the early hours of the morning studying for finals or finishing a paper last minute, so you will want a cute lamp for soft lighting. Your school may provide lighting that is attached to the desk. If so this light will be harsh – and not cute at all – so investing in a good lamp will save you.
Wall Art
Wall art adds your taste to the plain and dreary walls in your dorm. Of course you have pictures, but I like to have something else that covers the walls that shows off my style. You can have posters, a tapestry, or something that you found off the DIY section of Pinterest (as long as you use command hooks/strips).
Bed Spread
If you ask me this is the most important thing you will have in your dorm. While you may not be in your bed all the time that you would like to be, you will be in it (hopefully) sometimes to get some zzz’s. If you create your schedule just right you will have plenty of time to snuggle up in your cozy bed and relax while watching Netflix. A bed spread also helps to create and seal the entire vibe of your room.
You will want a full body mirror. You will have your bathroom mirror but you’ll also want to check out your entire outfit. Also, when your roommate is using the bathroom mirror to apply her makeup for a girls night out, you will have to get ready somehow. It’s easy to move your full mirror beside your bed and get ready on the floor. Pro Tip: You can spruce up your plain mirror with a DIY from Pinterest to add some more of your style to the room.
Desk Space
You will be at your desk a lot. Whenever you are not in the library studying, you will be at your desk. You will eat breakfast at your desk. You will write letters to home at your desk. You will sit and have long phone calls with your boyfriend back home at your desk. For these reasons, having a perfect desk space is so important. You want to make it pretty and comfortable so it doesn’t seem so bad when you have to sit there for five hours and finish your English paper.
Throw Pillows
Pillows make your bed comfortable and cute. When you have friends over, you can just put your pillows on the floor and sit around talking for hours. When your RA comes in for room inspections she will compliment you on your bed (and maybe she won’t judge the pile of clothes in the corner of your room).
Lap Desk
This is my best friend when it comes to studying or using my computer in bed. When you are studying in bed, it’s hard to write things down on paper unless you have one of these. It also prevents your legs from burning or going numb from the heat of the bottom of your laptop.
Makeup Organization
It’s essential to have makeup organization drawers in college. You can no longer leave your makeup laying all over your dresser or bathroom because you now share a space with someone. Having little drawers to set and stack on your desk or bathroom sink are perfect for your small space.
Pom Poms
I’m not talking about your cheer ones from high school. I am talking about the ones you hang from the ceiling of your dorm to give a little more character to the space. There are tons of ones you can DIY on Pinterest that are super easy.
Let us know how your planning to decorate your dorm! Leave a comment below or tweet us @SOCIETY19.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.